
That's Penn Charles "Chipper" Holderness you're speaking of. Davidson College Phi Upsilon Bro 2024 if my call is correct (Wait listed at Duke, but alas it was not to be.)

A lofty line is worth the lofty expense.

Agreed. Tyson is a complex guy, with lots of light and lots of dark. Bi-Polar, rage disorder on one hand. Functioning soul, seemingly self-aware and with some real compassion and remorse on the other.

Evil Legacy Anonymous Meeting?

I hope that kid gets some diet help. Unless that happens, type II diabetes will hit him harder than an all state safety....

You know the scouting report on him: Always look for opportunities to strip his inhaler.

I always thought the Nets and/or the Sixers should have done anything to get Sherman from the Heat/Celts/Buck whomever for the General. He was the only person I ever saw who could make Coleman to get his ass up and down the floor faster, play some D, and generally give a shit.

Damn - I think we were all just waiting for an anti-trust reference before turning in for the night.

I was hazed in 9 years of football and hazed joining a fraternity. There's an argument to be made that enduring hazing bonds the incoming group together.

Hold on now - As the author of a dig up thread at this shitsack's cheesy goatee, I'm gonna claim standing here to say you're way over the line when you slur Chuck Taylors, the arch & back destroying footwear that I wore far too long but will never go out of style!

Funny how the most aggressive talk about combat & war comes from the chickenhawks who never served, and the most macho opinions on sports come from guys like this weasel who never played anything beyond the high school level if even that.

Read a handful of your posts here and on NFL celebrating, parking, Vick & similar. Is there any chance that you're the ghost of Jack Webb?

Now playing

I'm thinking she's less sad and hyper-sensitive, more like this:

8/10 - needs reference to last night's call from House.


Come on now - You can't say no to The Ladies Man:

Good point: they probably would have been more fair and accurate to specify "everyone since the financial sector detached from the real Main Street economy around the start of the millennium and turned into a rigged
casino that sucks up 50% of all corporate profits- privatizing those profits while socializing the

You two just need to get a room and commence with the Giffing (akin to yiffing, for which I sincerely hope you don't have a gif. )

Exactly! What is it with all this focus on a team from the country's most popular sport located in the country's largest city?