Angry Tech Guy

Why does the psychotic villain have to be straight? I think it's nice to see more variation in the sexuality of characters in media lately, both in heroes and villains.

Another smartwatch? Manufacturers have been trying to make this happen for two years now. They aren't taking off. Nobody wants these.

Comcast or Time Warner should win. I would be really happy if they tied.

"Have you ever been to the edge of the universe?"
"Yeah. It smells like bacon grease."
"Huh, weird."

Just because a compound has a long scary name doesn't mean it's inherently dangerous in any way. We should educate ourselves on what these compounds are and how they interact with our bodies before dimissing them as "evil chemicals". If everyone subscribed to your way of thinking we would all be scared to death of

This seems rather excessive for an anti-theft measure. Users should always be able to completely reset a device in their posession without access to their old passwords.

Good list. Vita owners should also check out Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate, it's a solid Metroidvania-type game. I'd also recommend the Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken. The Vita is by far the best handheld for fighting games thanks to its outstanding d-pad.

Many films have put out trailers with unfinished CGI, including The Green Lantern, and Spider Man 2.

Movie trailers often include unfinished or early CGI work. I have no idea if that's what we're seeing here, but it's something to keep in mind.

DLC has been around since the 90's, at least on PC. Back then we called them expansion packs because they weren't downloadable. Back then, there were plenty of shitty expansion packs, and plenty of awesome ones. The only thing really different about DLC is that it's available in smaller chunks. Instead of 1 $30

They have a "campaign multiplayer mode" that features two separate campaign stories played out in multiplayer arenas. One story for the Militia, the other for the IMC.

Remember when DLC came in disk form and costed $20-$30? Except then they were called expansion packs. And just like today, there were shitty expansion packs that wasted your time and money, and there were good expansion packs that actually added value to your game.

Oh I forgot, it's only racism if it's against non-white people. /s

I think in one sentence you successfully espoused more blatant racism than the rest of this article and comments section combined! Good job!

I might be in the minority here, but I thought Avatar was better than Dances with Wolves.

I think this depends on what you qualify as reading. I spend most of my day "reading", but I read very few books.

Wow someone is seriously butthurt over nothing.

These days it's cheaper to buy a Wii and its cheap component cables than cables for a Gamecbue. That's what I ended up doing.

Most TV's will only take audio from HDMI when you're playing video from HDMI.

The only people I know who put anything other than regular unleaded in their car are people who have much fancier cars than I do.