Angry Tech Guy

Next gen has never brought revolutionary changes from the get-go and upgrading your PC won't do that for you either. Devs are just beginning to find their feet.

next-gen must mean something that it doesn't to you. There is nothing in Second Son that is possible on PS3. It was a challenge just giving Cole 2 powers with the visual effects that they possessed and still stream the world in the way they did. Second Son uses particle systems that would cause your PS3 to have a

"Oh look, a sign that this is a gun free zone. I guess I will have to leave my gun at home when I try to rob that store now." - said no criminal ever...

Much the same with the gun-control laws regarding traditional mass produced firearms. There is always a black-market (shootings with illegal guns still happen in countries where private firearm ownership is incredibly restricted or completely illegal). The laws only have an impact on those who willingly follow them or

I think that trying to regulate it would be the worst thing possible. There will always be ways that the plans would get out anyway (pirate sites, sneakernet, etc) and trying to regulate it would stifle innovation. I don't understand why people freak out so much about guns when there are hundreds of other weapons that

Clone wars was canceled because Disney wanted to secure its star wars property.

3) Both are true until until someone opens the box.

Cigarettes and other tobacco products have a plethora of other contaminants along with the nicotine. E-Cigs use a couple different fluids which carry flavor and nicotine. The effects on the liquid itself are not known but are far less dangerous than cigarette smoke. With E-Cig vapor you are inhaling a dozen or so

Ubisoft's quote is hilarious:

Wow Kirk, that'll teach you for having your own taste in music...

Thank you for using the term "hack" properly for something completely unrelated to computer security.

counterpoint: Sodium Lights are horrible. They give everything a sick, jaundiced look.

Wait, THATS why people hate these movies? Wow... thats kinda stupid. I've always found them entertaining since I have no knowledge of any Transformers stories besides character names.

I don't think it helps to assume that people who might be against this story are "probably white males."

I love the original trilogy, and they're certainly much better movies than the prequels in just about every sense of the word, but the OT wasn't exactly devoid of "non-mature" comedy relief.

From those of us who don't want to live in high density urban centers to those of you who do and are arrogant enough to think you should tell everybody else how they should live: Fuck you, go away.

I don't know, I don't really care for Samsung, but that sounds like a lot of butt hurt mate.

"Why is buying guns disturbing?"

The federal government has no legal jurisdiction over face-to-face transfers of goods between two citizens in the same state. It's in the Constitution. For private sales between citizens in different states, the federal government has used the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to provide legal justification for

"For one, there's reason to believe that guns are being sold illegally and without background checks. "