Angry Tech Guy

Since Nutrition Facts labels are standardized, it wouldn't be hard to write an app that uses OCR to read the label and track all that information for you. No need for a QR code.

Hopefully they didn't hire Hammer Industries to build it.

The couch multiplayer this game offers is a blast on the PS4.

I would prefer Quake 3 Arena duels between world leaders. I would totally watch an Obama v Putin Quake Match.

Which is seriously saying something because it runs at 60fps on consoles. I think a lot of people forget that when they shit-talk Rage.

I would rather have no campaign than a half-assed campaign that took development resources from the main game *ahem*bf3/bf4*ahem*. Unless you have the time and resources to make both sides awesome, only work on one. Games like Halo that get both right are rare.

Is it just me or is it a monumentally bad idea to keep all your money in someone's mysql database that you have no control over instead of keeping it all in your own private wallet on your computer?

You forgot to mention the insane latency that comes with satellite internet. It can wreak havoc with many services and makes online games pretty much unplayable.

I don't think anyone is expecting the 360 version to be any good. It's not even being developed at Respawn, they farmed it out to some outside team.

People do it all the time. They sit on their wallets, then wonder why the back pocket wears out so fast on their jeans.

Except that only updates software. Updates to most Windows software don't require reboots either. It's changes to the kernel or other core OS components that usually require reboots.

For expediency's sake, can we shorten the name to Bamco?

Personally, I derive more entertainment from watching him game the system than I would from watching the show with other players. By playing differently than everyone else, Chu has actually made the game entertaining to watch.

Wouldn't a new 1984 style ad from Apple be riddled with irony? They aren't the trendy underdogs anymore. Today they are essentially the modern face of mass consumerism and conformity that the drones and big TV screen represented in the original ad.

Part of why sodium-vapor street lamps are used is because they limit light pollution to a very narrow slice of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many cities, especially those near observatories, are likely to adopt LED street lamps but limit them to a similar color as the current sodium-vapor lamps.

I stand by my belief that voice recognition makes for a terrible user interface.

Well they're definitely right about F2P being terrible. The only reasonable F2P game I've tried has been Hawken and I still prefer other paid games more.

The reason you would see different pricing is because Amazon automatically selects the seller with the cheapest, fastest option by default. When you don't have Prime, that option was some non-Amazon seller offering the item for $3 + $2.99 shipping. When you have prime, Amazon is selling the item for more money ($5.99)

Who wants to take bets on how long it takes before someone makes a comment about how terrible white males are...oh wait you beat me to it.

From a level and gameplay design perspective, the original Star Fox is a great game. But I can't get over the truly shitty framerate. The SNES was not built to handle that game. And when you're used to playing 2D games at 60fps, the sudden drop to 20fps when playing Star Fox is extremely jarring. Miyamoto was right