Unseelie Jess

Sam: I transcribed this old scroll.

Yeah, I was wondering if Rory was standing on a box. Season 1 Mountain was definitely taller, but current Mountain is broader for sure.

Aww, they have the Night King’s blue eyes, just like their big half-brother.

He killed Jon Arryn and had Lysa tell her that the Lannisters did it, thus starting the War of the Five Kings, leading to Ned, Robb, and Cat’s executions as well as Sansa’s rape, Arya’s abandonment, and Rickon’s death (in the show). That’s a pretty big betrayal of someone you supposedly love.

It’s probably Jahaerys or something.

I mean, he IS a “little brother” so the prophecy still works.

Ugh, “thinks” not “things”. Stupid Kinja won’t let me edit.

My hubs things Tyrion sold them out since Tyrion has said since season 1 that he always places his family first. I was just thinking that he wanted to get with either Jon or Dany.

I thought for sure his name would be Jahearys and Ned was like “Um sure....what’s a version of that name that Robert won’t be inclined to murder? How about Jon? That sounds good.”

I really want to think this, but then I remember that Stannis technically died off-screen...

Noooo!!! Tormund and Brienne must conquer the world with their perfect giant babies! And Beric has that sexy voice!

Hardhome Depot.

He wears the jacket over the costume in the DC scene when he’s trapped in the warehouse and gets bored.

That's fair. GRRM has said that the climate is unnatural and due to magical influences. If the maesters are trying (as Marwyn suggests) to eliminate all magic, it could be in the interest of scientific advancement.

I think he noticed Arya had the dagger he gave to Bran.

I don't think the bank has an army. When someone doesn't pay them, they just lend money to whoever is going to war with the country that stiffed them and get vengeance that way.

I mean, he's the Kingslayer. He's already one letter away from Kinslayer, so might as well go all out.

Book-Bran would be all about that hug, too. Show-Bran with the whole internet downloaded into his brain can't even think to hug her.

Tom and Lorenzo mentioned how Westeros is really technologically stunted, possibly due to magic. The cure for greyscale is in a book that no one reads and it's really friggin obvious. The way to kill a dragon is with a big flippin arrow. The way of the future is through people like Sam learning science and Jon

Targaryans have taken multiple wives in the past (Aegon the Conqueror for one). The theory is that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married at the Isle of the Faces, possibly by Septon Meribald (who isn't in the show, but has met Brienne, Podrick, and the Hound in the books). That would make Jon no longer a bastard but a