Unseelie Jess

Suicide is about ending your individual pain, murder is about punishing the other person. He wasn’t calling her whore and trying to pressure her into reconciliation to end his pain, he was doing it to control the situation. He is alive and entitled to court dates and meals and interviews with attorneys. She is

When will white people take responsibility for their crimes?

Toxic masculinity often comes with a scorched earth policy. “If I can’t, then nobody can.”

If you study up on narcissism (the personality disorder one, not the cutesy name for someone who is egotistical one), you start to understand a little.

Family annihilators are a specific kind of abuser/narcissist- they see their family members as extensions of themselves. Its likely he planned to kill himself, and maybe got scared and backed out, or tried to get the cops to kill him. Someone like this assumes that if they die, it’s better to take their family with

I know. If every man who thought about murdering his children and their mother would just kill himself instead, it would be a better world.

There’s something about “Motivational Speakers” which I can’t quite describe that makes me not trust them. Scam artists at the basic level who tries to show people they have “life” figured out. But I see them as people with deep dark secrets which they don’t want to see the light of day.

I’’d have been interested in what Troy Mcclure has to say about it.

I’m pretty sure they openly worship Mammon. Greedy fucks.

Lando should’ve appeared on the casino planet... in some kind of ad. Lando should’ve used his success and fame for destroying the second Death Star to make himself into a galaxy-wide celebrity, who, decades later, had to resort to shilling for the Star Wars equivalent of Colt45 ads, which would’ve been a nice

I’ve been saying forever that America the Beautiful should be our anthem. It celebrates the natural beauty of our country. That’s way more appropriate than this sick ass war song.

Whatever gets the games started faster, I’m down for. It’s not even a particularly tuneful song, like “America the Beautiful”.

Streep graduated from Yale in 1975, worked on the NY stage in the same year, and had her first Tony nomination in 1976. First Oscar nomination in 1978, first win in 1979...which is the same year the Weinstein brothers founded Miramax -as a film distributorship.

Women are going to tear each other apart for the crimes of men.

She CAPED for him. She was asked, specifically, about it and was all, “Um, well, I don’t know what happened, it’s not for me to say anything.”

I am worried about Rose. I think she needs a lot of help, after what she’s been through.

Salling should get a fuck of a lot more than four years in prison. IIRC they caught him with pornography of children YOUNGER THAN THREE. 50,000 images! He is an accessory to the assault of every single child depicted in those images. Child porn is not a victimless crime.

1. I enjoy bad things happening to Josh Chan.

That’s Crimson Peak in a nutshell. I rented it on Google Play and was floored by the set design and artistry, but the story is ridiculously awful.

If he don’t go sit his black MAC NW40 ass down the fuck somewhere.