Unseelie Jess

Sadly, women and children are most at risk of murder by intimate partner when we leave them. It says his wife was estranged from him. It’s likely that she tried to get away and he was not going to let that happen.

I can settle for 4 pm, but we always did 2. Usually, b/c when my dad cooks the turkey, he’s finished by 8 or 9 am and is just sitting around waiting for us to wake up. He’d be perfectly happy having thanksgiving dinner at 10 am, when the rest of us are straggling out of bed.

I missed one audio log and it makes my eye twitch whenever I notice it.

Yes. If you beat the game and still want to play, it takes you back right before the final battle, but with all your gear and skill points.

I got my ass repeatedly stomped with my level 50 Aloy in the whizbang fancy armor from the original game on Hard. Once I passed that first test and remembered how to stay calm, look for high ground, and dodge, I was fine. It’s challenging, but fun!

I had to check on each of my kitties after that scene. I knew it was coming, but it was still terrible! And where is Yertle?!

I thought Greg and Rebecca were terrible together, but I do miss Greg.

Megyn is losing her joy.


But Whiterun is so quiet without him!

You know, if what’s up is like, cannibalism and stuff. Nbd.

Join us. These sands are cold, but Khajiit feels the warmth of your presence.


Chloe is a lot less punk in this game, and you can see where people are almost forcing that punk persona on her. When she genuinely tries to be nice, sometimes people are surprised and kind of shitty to her for it. In Before the Storm, you’re taking part in creating her Life is Strange persona both in Chloe trying

Dragon Age Inquisition let you put Adam’s apples on female characters, which I thought was implicit acknowledgement of trans women. Also, you can be a trans dad in Dream Daddy.

That video gave me life. I want more, with clips from this season added. “So you DO know her!”

Why am I grey again? Is this b/c of the Kinja nonsense over at AVClub? I’ve never been grey at io9.

It could be Tyrion’s hand, or if we’re going with strict wording, “the valonqar” could mean Arya. If High Valeryian has no gender, it could mean “the little sister.” Maggy the Frog never said it was Cersei’s little brother/sister, just THE little brother/sister.

You’re probably right. With the exception of Joffery, Tyrion always adored his incest nieces and nephews.

“I’m the 3-eyed Raven.”