Unseelie Jess

Shireen taught him how to read, but Stannis the Mannis taught him grammar!

Same, but I wanted absolutely no harm to come to Drogon, either!

I did, too. I was so worried for both of them!

It can be two things.

I saw him called Dr Branhattan on Twitter

"Hello Arya. I'm the Three Eyed Raven."
"I'm No One."
"I know." (stares meaningfully)
(Arya stares meaningfully)
(Sansa slowly backs out of the room)

I was so irritated by Olenna saying that they were never known for their military. All three of Mace’s sons were great warriors, and Loras was the greatest knight since Jamie Lannister (ostensibly the greatest knight since either Barriston Selmy or Arthur Dayne).

Rhaegar was already married when he had his tryst with Lyanna. He may have married Lyanna at the Isle of Many Faces, but I’m not sure how cool the Westerosi are with polygamy.

Robb legitimized him before going off to Edmure’s wedding, I thought. Was that just in the books? I remember Cat being pretty mad about it.

Haaaaaaa! Fair.

I don’t remember them saying it was Joffery, either. If anything, I guess I’d say we don’t know. Maybe D&D forgot about it.

Jon borrowed LF’s teleporter for the trip down to Dragonstone.

It was Joffery in the books, trying to make Robert proud. I forgot it was LF in the show.

True, but Ned strangled LF outside of a brothel and then lost his head.

Yes, but they also make it colder wherever they go. I think.

Yeah, they rewrote the entire Dorne plot after the audience backlash.

Just two of them. The one Sand Snake with a nudity clause in her contract remains alive. Funny, that.

He's a Lord, and likely married to a rich woman. He's probably just chilling, enjoying his money.

I don't know, it worked out ok for Tywin Lannister.

No, Vulture did an article on it recently.