Unseelie Jess

They're gonna feel pretty bad when they find out who Jon's real dad is.

It's on loan from Lake Town.

I meant Azor Ashai, not R'hollor. R'hollor is the Red God. Azor is the Prince(ss) and wielder of Lightbringer, the sword of eternal flame.

There is no Theon, only Reek.

No, this was Naked Snake, aka Bronn's Bad Pussy Snake.

No, that was Whip Snake.

Yes, it does. Show Dany is Dumb Dany.

“I’ll get to the last few volumes, but I promised Jon I’d show up at this event first. I swear I’ll get them done before six months are up.”

Then that’s poor planning on Dany’s part. It’s much easier to go across the narrow part of land than to sail halfway around a friggin continent. I really think we would’ve seen the Unsullied fighting, though. And aren’t they taking the Dothraki with them? I’m sure they’d prefer to ride their horses.

I think it wasn’t that it was too painful, it’s that it was too risky for the person performing the operation. The dude who pioneered it died of greyscale, so they won’t do it b/c they don’t want to catch it.

That doesn’t make sense, they’re in opposite directions.

Meh, fill the jar halfway up with water and shake it, like kids stealing liquor from their parents.

Did you know??? DragonSTONE is full of…..DragonGLASS? What are the chances of THAT?

The Prince who was Promised was a Targaryan prophesy. It's why Rhaeagar eloped with Lyanna, because he thought he was supposed to father the prince and his current wife couldn't bear any more children (also love, I suppose). R'hollor seems to be the Red Priest version of that, just like the Stallion Who Mounts the

That's what milk of the poppy is. I have no idea why Sam didn't get some for Jorah. Maybe the restricted section of the library is easier to break into than Professor Snape's laboratory.

Oh, that's fair. I get it.


I keep reading surprised reactions to Missandei's translation that it could be a prince or princess. Maester Aemon said the exact same thing back in season 2. Did everybody forget that? And why doesn't Dany know that? High Valeryian is her native language.

Well technically, it was annulled due to it never being consummated. I'm not sure what that makes them. I guess in the eyes of the Seven, they were never really married, but in the eyes of everyone else, Sansa has been a Stark, a Lannister, a Bolton, and a Stark again.

You joke, but I would watch the shit out of that show. Bonus points if it come with recipes at the end of every episode.