Unseelie Jess

I mean, if she does, all the handmaids get to stone her…

When they offered Moira a corner to "just read," it felt enormous.

Between Redwall and Reepicheep, I have a minor obsession with sword wielding mice. PlayStation knows my niche. This little guy is ADORABLE.

Which was the STYLE at the time!

Surprise! Kimmy Schmidt is actually Squirrel Girl in disguise. Titus is Tippytoe, which just shows how great of an actor Titus really is.

Same. Did she ever go to practice or a meet?

She's just the right blend of creepy and comforting in The Others. Loved seeing her in this

Hey! It's good to see you, too! I need to head back over to the TLo boards since I finally have some free time again. I missed you! :)

It's ok, I basically just described my mom.

Lol, my cat does that.

I see Aunt Lydia as a true believer old lady who watches FoxNews 24/7 and is yearning to be part of the movement. She's active in her church, is constantly afraid of terrorists, and pickets gay pride events. She was SO STOKED for the revolution because the feminist movement in the 60s (her era) was a bunch of

I thought she was there just as another nod to "really talented women have these shitty jobs now." She's a James Beard nominated chef and now she's a drug smuggling line cook in a brothel.

That was my thought, too. It'll be so much easier for them with her there just as a living, breathing, but completely passive and compliant womb.

Oooo, I definitely thought that was a Martha and that she was super ballsy to walk right up to two Wives like that! Good catch!

If your choice is "…or death" it's honestly not that much of a choice. It's rape. Book-June clings to her "choices" because believing that she has some control over her life gets her through her day.

This is why the term "grey rape" also drives me up the wall. If someone didn't say no but clearly was giving no signs saying yes, that doesn't mean they're consenting. If they didn't say no but legally can't consent (typical example, they're passed out drunk) they're not consenting. We need to move from "no means

I was wondering if the Wife was gay (or at least bi) and was therefore really sympathetic to Emily. That touch on her shoulder and the way her dress lingered made me wonder.

Same. I actually paused it to mention that reference to my husband (he never got into Mad Men).

He was funny in Much Ado About Nothing. It was about 20 years ago, but I bet he could still pull it off.

I don’t want to give money to his films, so I was more than pissed at that little surprise. Plus, Colin Farrell was doing a great job! I’m bummed he won’t be in the sequels!