Unseelie Jess

Same here. I’m glad she’s over it and they’re all friends, but I’ve never forgiven him for leaving her. His best work was as the Benedick to her Beatrice, anyway.

Ironic, b/c Professor Flitwick occasionally looked like a tiny Poirot.

It looks like a Henley shirt with a paper collar haphazardly thrown on it.

I heard someone mentioning that as a potential spin-off show. I suppose it'll depend on how well people take to Mr. Nancy.

Well, American Gods is only covering the first third of the book this season. I hope they get two or three seasons, in order to tell the whole thing. That, combined with Anansi Boys and the Shadow short stories, I think Gaiman has a lot of places this could go after the end of the book.

I always wondered about them. In the book, the commanders seemed so old, so I just assumed their children were grown up (if they'd had any) and they needed handmaidens to further "spreading Commander seed."

Yeah, I'm bummed about that, too. I was hoping for some Gloria Steinem stunt casting.


I thought she had died, too, until Bette showed up.

It got me so excited to see her watch Mommie Dearest, but alas.

I really wish we could have seen Bette's reaction to Mommie Dearest.

Everything about this infuriates me. These tacky assholes and their smug picture in front of Hill’s portrait. Tacky, tasteless fuckwits.

I like that she peeled the banana and Philip did not. Just one more example of how seriously she takes her duties compared to the men surrounding her.

Because he put their names on it and charged ten times the price! He totally revolutionized the gift shop trinket genre!

The sex strike thing seems to only affect decent men. The evil men will ignore the strike and forcibly take sex from us anyway. I hate when this idea comes up.

The only Marvel comic I can read anymore is Squirrel Girl. They destroyed Captain Marvel’s character and cancelled Angela and A-Force. Sorry, I’m no longer buying. You got rid of the things I read!

I wanted to be one of those mermaids so badly when I was a kid. I thought they were so magical.

That harpy might be primarily responsible for my fear of birds. Let’s give it up for the kick-ass pirate cat, though.


Omg. The gazelle.