Unseelie Jess

Oh my god, I need this to be true so badly. Arya’s mad assassin skills and Nymeria’s gigantic wolfpack could seriously rule the world together.

It’s ok, he’s still alive in the books, kicking it in Eastwatch by the Sea (or the other castle, now I can’t remember which).

This is my dream, but in my version, Shaggy gets Ramsey’s dogs to work for him, and Ramsey’s dogs join in the butchery.

Shaggy is close to black. Summer is the light-colored one.

Why is Baby Sam still under a year old? Empires have risen and fallen since he was born.

If Nymeria and Arya meet up again and don’t recognize one another (b/c Arya is truly “no one”) I may actually die of grief.

Because they hate us. They introduce women to rape them and adorable animals to butcher them. The show is only happy when we’re hurting.

I’m reeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping that was a ruse. Umber wouldn’t swear an oath, so maybe he just doesn’t want to be an oathbreaker? He was just like “Hey! Look at the shiny Stark!” so Ramsey would trust him and he can destroy him from inside Winterfell.

That was weird, right? Shouldn’t his sword have kind of glowed? Or at least reflected light better?

“You must learn everything...except about R+L.”

Cart buddies 4Lyfe!

Yes! I knew I forgot one!

Well, she left off Biter, Rorge, Ilyn Payne and Meryn Trant. A girl cannot remember her entire list on command.

That would break my heart, but if book-Arya and Nymeria meet again and don't recognize each other, I may actually have a breakdown and cry for days.

They age slower, those wildlings. The cold keeps them young and fresh longer.

They needed a new woman to throw at Ramsey. If they break Tonks/Osha, I will scream.

Oooo, that's an interesting take on it. I was wondering why Varys basically just let his little birds take wing. I thought he had better control over them than that.

Season 7, Episode 9. Ugh.

Forget it, Bran. It's Dragontown.

"I am the King!"
"Anyone who has to say 'I am the king' is no true king."
Why do none of these children learn from their grandpa Tywin?