Unseelie Jess

He gets the Lady Jane Grey treatment.

I hope the real Shaggydog shows up and eats his face.

Olly, we hardly knew ye. And if we'd just read the books and never watched the show, we wouldn't have known ye at all.

I truly think Ramsay is going to get eaten alive by either direwolves or his own dogs led by one of the direwolves (probably Nymeria). There's just too much with those dogs for it to not come into play.

"You must learn…everything…except about Jon Snow's parentage."

Ugh, I hope not.

If it helps, the Iron Islands storyline didn’t skip anything from the books. It actually filled stuff in. It’s a fun ride, but there’s also a bit of “who are all these people ? Kingsmoot?”

Same. I thought it would glow and maybe she'd have to age a bit to have enough magic for Jon.

Truth or Dare with Tyrion sounds terrifying to play, but wholly entertaining to watch. Spin-off?

I miss the Gotham recaps. We're in good hands.

I wondered that, too. It looked different than his sword, though. I think he has a dagger on that side.

Is Qyburn still making wildfire for her?

Yeah, that sounds like D&D's logic.

Same. I gasped before remembering that Tyrion will never EVER die until the very last season.

There should be a scene where Tormund finishes the job.

Yes, I was dreading Victarion. Euron is weirdly better, possibly b/c he's not a POV character.

That was the show. The whole thing with that plotline in the books is that no one gives a rats ass how he treats poor Jeyne Poole. He gets away with treating "Arya" like garbage, b/c everyone knows it's not really her. They're just willing to play along to a certain extent, but b/c she's a poor, he's allowed

I think he's prisoner until the show remembers he's a thing. Now if only we knew where Blackfish was hanging out…

I squealed "Frey pie!" before immediately realizing that's the OTHER guy I really hate.

I think they were just reminding us that there WAS a War of Five Kings, and Mel (possibly, probably not) ended it with dick leech fire magic.