Unseelie Jess

We all laughed pretty hard at that Jamie/Cersei moment. I mean, I guess he’s the honest Lannister.

Aww, Jamie can’t spell the word “nieces.”

I just really wish we knew if that was Mel’s nightly bedtime routine or if it’s symbolizing a crisis of faith and she’s actually giving up. We don’t know! We’ve never seen sleepytime Mel before!

Thank you for loving Quentyn.

Agreed! Thank you, CJA! Now, if only you can convince Rob to start recapping Gotham again...


Alfie Allen is really doing a fantastic job. I get annoyed with this show a lot, but they did give Theon a great arc and he’s shining in it.

“Fewer.” —Stannis the Mannis, First of his name, King of Grammarians and the Andals

As annoyed as I was with her fudging the oath and needing his help, I kind of immediately started mini-shipping them in that moment. Sansa could use some Podrick TLC.

Maester Davros. I bet he and Qyburn would get along nicely.

Yeah, we didn’t see a body. Stannis is still Mannising it up somewhere. He told Brienne to do her duty, so she buggered off to find Sansa.

Looking forward to CleganeBowl!

Sally, what the fuck is this please?

Besides the liver, the body has pretty damn good ways of getting rid of toxins. See: any morning after copius drinking. If our body COULDN’T get rid of toxins, we’d be dead.

Omfg Homey D Clown! I’d forgotten! And I love what you said about Frank. It applies to Loki and Lestat, too. There’s a reason we’re drawn to the “sexy” villains.

He should’ve won an Oscar for everything. He’s an angel.


That they’re the only true supernatural forces. Things go wrong with the gods of fire or the gods of ice have too much power, or too much anger. Too much for the gods of fire and you get the Doom of Valyria. Too much power/rage towards The Others and you get The Long Night. They’re the only magical events that have

Apparently, Christopher Lee’s dream that he didn’t get to achieve was playing reprising his role in a live-action version of the film. I would’ve LOVED to see him live as King Haggard.

Darkness, for sure. Although I get that people are afraid of Pennywise. Frank-N-Furter was somewhat responsible for my sexual awakening, so I’ll always find him incredibly sexy and not remotely scary, even though he’s a murderer who eats people.