Unseelie Jess

Nightmares. Nightmares for days. Mombi’s heads. Gaaah.

So...when I was in a hotel as a small child, Legend was on tv. My mom goes, “Oh look! It’s a live-action version of The Last Unicorn!” IT WAS NOT.

I think that no matter what Robb declared, a lot of people will still see Jon as “Ned Stark’s bastard” and be more inclined to follow Lady Sansa.

Dany is basically like making Katniss Everdeen a queen. (I can’t believe I’m saying this, but bear with me). She’s incredibly powerful as a symbol, and people WANT to rally behind her and believe in her. She’s great at stirring people up and getting conquering done, but she is actually a truly terrible leader. No one

I think that’s a fan-theory, but it’s one that I believe, so I’m with you.

Exactly why I was so disappointed that he and Sansa couldn’t work it out and become Westeros’ political power couple. They could have been like the Kennedys or the Clintons of Westeros and just rocked it everywhere they went.

I like to think that the Doom of Valyria came from their own pride. They saw themselves as gods and the forces of the world reacted accordingly. R’hollor and The Other shut that shit right down. Then again, just my theory, but I think it fits nicely with what GRRM’s doing with the books and pride always going before

I figured it was learn about her roots (which were from the East) or possibly about Azor As’hai, and then she’ll be ready to go West once she understands and can control her powers.

I’d love for a Sansa-Margaery romance situation. Too bad Margaery wants to be THE Queen and probably isn’t inclined to share power.

I’d say the Mountain blowing in the wind like leaves is The Mountain, but otherwise yeah. Dany can bear a child again.

I think Sansa is pretty damn adaptable. Tyrion put it best when she said she may just outlive them all. She’s stayed quiet, observed, learned from her surroundings, and figured out the most important rule in the Game of Thrones: survival.

I worship show-Margaery. I wish we got more time with her in the books. Since she’s not a POV character, we mostly see her through Sansa’s optimism and Cersei’s paranoia. We really don’t know much about her at all.

When I first read the books, I was so excited at the prospect of Sansa and Tyrion’s arranged marriage. I somehow forgot what a horrorshow GRRM writes, and whimsically thought they could become a political power couple in Westeros. With his Lannister (and possibly Targaryan, if you ascribe to that fan theory) heritage

So excited!!! Ox Bellows to the rescue once again!

I think like we’re cornered, but it’s a weird sweaty wrestling metaphor. I wonder how often he thinks of America all covered in sweat and ready to be dominated... (shudder)

It could also be that the music in Miss Saigon is notoriously awkward to sing. If she's doing a whole concert, there's really no need to make herself physically uncomfortable when she has such a wealth of other famous repertoire to choose from.

I like that theory. It's much less stressful.

Of course not.

Changing time worries me so much. Like, what if they won and she ended up never meeting Randall, so she never went to Scotland to learn about his family, ergo never meeting Jamie? And that's like the most minor change to history. What if there's no England at all when she comes back? I haven't read the books, so I'm

My husband yells that every time I watch this show. Every. Single. Time.