Unseelie Jess

He’s a baby. Give him time to learn. It’s not like he grew up with Sean Spencer’s dad.

Mr. Jessi and I sing his name whenever he appears on screen. Watching Gotham with us is probably very annoying.

Still my favorite line in the series.

I’m friends with Robin Lord Taylor’s sister (the actor who plays Penguin), and her toddler has decided that her Gotham Penguin action figure and her Burgess Meredith Penguin action figure are best friends and cuddles them both every night. She’s itty bitty, so has no context for either character or show, but I just

Pandora was the last one I could even tolerate. I haven't been able to read any of the newer ones.

Agreed. If you’re going to put a song in a book, I’d like to have the sheet music. Otherwise, I spend most of the rest of the book being frustrated that my head-song is “wrong.”

At least Quentyn’s ending was hot. ;)

But...boiled leather! And pies!

I cannot find the joy in Tom Bombadil.

My vhs was definitely taped off of the Disney channel.

This was one of my favorite movies as a kid! I taped it off of tv and still have the video. The biggest shock to me was when his little puppy is now an old dog. So sweet and sad.

I saw that in the theater and actually tried to fall asleep on purpose. So boring! I think it singlehandedly killed my crush on Antonio Banderas.

Well how else would he stay so prosperous?

People do it at salons, too. I worked as a salon receptionist, and I would have infants dropped in my lap while mommy went off to get her 3 hour color done. It’s one thing if there’s a seven year old coloring or doing homework or something and the parent ASKS you to check in on them and just get them water or


Aww, but chick tracts are hysterical! This crazy megaphone preacher in Chicago used to pass them out when I was a kid, and I’d collect them and read them to myself for bedtime stories. I’ve thankfully never gotten one as a tip, but man...they make me nostalgic.

That ad was badass. That's the kind of unapologetic rhetoric we need here in the states.

I loved her, too. She was wasted on Dollmaker Island, but I loved her kicking ass like the high fashion drag queen that she was before that mess.

It very much reminded me of a gorier Rebecca.