Unseelie Jess

We watched that in my college History of Film Music course (music school), and it truly is a nauseating movie. I certainly wouldn't show it to children.


I saw navy, too.

Ooo, cute colors!

Maybe it’s really comfy? But otherwise, nope. Faux-wrap dresses are pointless, and that’s way too rich for my blood for a basic dress, unless it’s made out of angel tears or something.

I’m too tall for faux-wrap bullshit.

Years. Years, here. Ungrey on io9, I thee Dread, and Kitchenette, but home Jez? Nope.

Hoth outfit, Bespin hair.

Flashbacks to Stepford Wives (the book, not the wretched Nicole Kidman remake movie). Shudder.

Why do you keep saying that? Is there something wrong with the future Earth’s gravitational pull?

Brrr! Ice cold!

It’s one of my all-time favorites. It’s hilarious and sad and sassy and wonderful.

Yeah, I was raised evangelical, and I was taught that the pope was up there with the anti-christ, because he purported to speak for God, when true believers could speak to God directly. We were supposed to pity Catholics the same way we pitied Jews, and try and bring them into the fold. It was...very confusing.

This story IS awesome! Have you seen the opera?

The Rake’s Progress is one of my favorite operas, and “No Word from Tom” is my go-to English aria for auditions. I must own these boots.

I’m cheap and fat people! I should start shopping there again!

Marry me.

Second line, most likely. They’ll probably mention Sharon Tate first.

I love you.