Unseelie Jess

You know, they keep giving us Peter Parker origin stories, but I’d really like a J. Jonah origin story. It can be in the style of his memoirs (a la Stirling’s Gold, but a movie). It would be hilarious to see the world from his perspective.

The way I read it, it says “Not a bear attack: Life-saving drug.” Like, someone confused a life-saving drug with a bear attack.’s a lake. It’s a big lake! But still a lake. The waves are only really nasty during storms, and you’re not allowed to be on the beach then, anyway.

I watched Major Payne and In the Army Now whenever they were on tv. Same for Srgt Bilko, Private Benjamin, GI Jane, A Few Good Men, and An Officer and a Gentleman. I’ll take my purple heart with a side of Congressional Medal of Honor, please.

That is a glorious image, but she was younger than me, black, trans, and super thin, with beautiful curly hair (I have big curly hair, too, so I’m partial). She wearing a skintight leather skirt and tube top to a daytime wedding, though, so we can TOTALLY clock her for that shit.

HAAAAA! “Stay confident, girl!”

It was so bizarre, because it was a total stranger! Like, who does that? Just mean.

Ah, I should’ve known. I didn’t think it was saucy enough for a read, since her tone was so light and airy. If we’re going to go with Steel Magnolias characters (a movie I want to love, but hate Julia Roberts too much to get through), she was more Dolly Parton about it and less Olympia Dukakis. :)

I told her thank you and said I loved her big hair, but I was still really mad.

I will never forgive Sarah Palin for bringing the term “gotcha question” into the lexicon. I almost vomited when I heard my parents use it.

Kara, I was at a wedding down south (where shade rules supreme), and a woman said what I read as incredibly shady, but I’d like a ruling from the judge.

He was. But the way it happens is that a Faceless Man throws him off of a bridge. Just like how Joffery is a leech target, but dies by wine-hairnet/necklace poison, not directly by the leech.


I honestly can’t blame you for zoning out on those chapters. Victarion is such a damn misogynist that I couldn’t focus on his chapters on my first read. (Seriously, “Euron raped my wife, so I killed her for being a whore! Now I rape every woman I meet to punish women for their whoredom!” Dude, wtf.) Also, everything

They’re also keeping the Tyrells distracted (in the books, not the show). I think they’re all assholes, and I loathe reading Victarion chapters, but I absolutely adore Asha. I’d like for her and Arya to team up, because I think Asha would be a good mentor to her.

Theon showing up at the Kingsmoot, I believe.

Maybe Spectre refers to a LITERAL spectre, and Bond will either be fighting or teaming up with spirits. o.O

The whole Kingsmoot situation was my favorite storyline for Asha/Yara. I really hope they don’t take it from her and give it to Theon.

Thank you. So few people understand. The Mother’s Day article on Jez really hit me hard, because most people really are “But that’s your MOM! How can you not be best friends with your MOM?”