Unseelie Jess

This video just screams “I am Africa” from Book of Mormon to me. Yes, Tay. You, too, are Africa.

Mine does that, too. It’s why I started only calling my dad when he’s at work. Of course, he retired last month, so that won’t be an option anymore. We’ll see what happens from here.

I forgot O’Dell passed. Dammit.

That one Green Mile scene gave me a panic attack. Horrific.

My mother was abusive as hell, and I avoid interacting with her whenever possible. Not all mothers and daughters need to hang, Mama Stodden.

Lol, he came by where I work recently and hit on all our college aged girls. Apart from that, though, he was quite courteous. Also short.

I watched this on mute and pretended it was happening in my imaginary yard. This is now the best day of my life.

Kara, you’re my favorite. Please never stop writing.


Yeah, that was basically my whole reason for watching Gotham. That was what I liked about it! It was Law & Order, but in Batman’s world...without Batman. Gotham had loads of problems, but I wouldn’t say the police procedural aspect was one of them.

I feel like that cat almost daily.

Yup. $7.25.

Yup, they’re by far the worst. The worst day of my retail life was already bad, because I found out during my lunch break that my grandma had died. She and I were very close, but I wanted to finish my shift and process emotions later. I ended up getting the customer from hell, who wanted to try on every single thing

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.

I went to a new lunch place near my office that looked organic-esque, and I like to support local, so I knew I was going to pay more for a sandwich. I did NOT realize I was going to pay extra for a side. $4.50 for “house-made chips, quinoa salad, pasta salad, or fresh fruit.” First off, chips should not be the same

Mmm, professional murder.

Just because they’re both little?

That’s the best song!

So, is this part of Miss Universe? What’s U.S. International?