Unseelie Jess

The last two trades of Captain Marvel are awesome. I’m bummed Battleworld has taken them out of production for awhile.

Ooo, now I’m interested! I just can’t quit Rogue, Gambit, and Beast.

Me, too! I was stoked for A-Force and it just seems generic. I’m hoping Stephen’s right and the most recent issue improves things.

I bought 1602 just for the art, having no idea about the Gaiman connection until I got home. I was immediately hooked and put it on my pull list.

I went to a private school in a big city . I was there from 2nd grade through senior year. About twelve people in my graduating class had been there since Pre-K.

That sucks! At least raspberries are fairly avoidable. It’s just annoying when my mom tries to shove Wildberry pie or raspberry jam in my face. Mushrooms can hide so easily in other food!

I’ve been allergic to raspberries my entire life. I'm now 30, and my parents still can't remember.

I was also confused about that.

My dad crushed the tip of a finger in a cider press as a kid. Over half a century later, his nail still grows sideways.


Some of the monkeys were pretty damn funny, gotta be honest.

I did do a few night hikes in the mountains, but the only things I saw in the trees then were sleeping sloths and toucans. And snakes, of course. So many snakes and giant spiders.

Please release this in the US. Please release this in the US...

Exactly. It also makes it look like Mel’s blood magic is super ineffective.

Honestly, woklings is a cute word.

I saw them back in the day, too. It was a really fun concert.

Yes! That made me so uncomfortable. I know Tony is a dick, but that was beyond.

Everyone in my drunk-ass college movie theater burst out laughing at that part. Some stood up and saluted. I definitely mark that part as worse than the dancing.

Ah, Balon Greyjoy. The last survivor of the War of Five Kings. Who’dhve thunk it?