Unseelie Jess

I’m just looking forward to the Puppy Bowl of Thrones.

Maybe EzShake meant to say The Winds of Winter.

Now I’m really mad that I never saw one of those the whole time I was in Costa Rica. Just a whole bunch of monkeys, snakes, and bats.

The guy running around the Death Star with an ice cream maker has a name. Everyone in Star Wars has a name so that they can all be sold as action figures. (Ice cream man’s name is Willrow Hood.)

I love sand cats! I know they really don’t like people much, but I think they’re so adorable. I just try and get my fill by watching Big Cat Rescue’s videos of their sand kitties.

Awesome-O is real, and they’ve honestly been taking his ideas for years.

He could probably retire on Frozen alone.

Which is honestly a shame, b/c no one gave a shit when people doubted the heroics of John Kerry and Tammy Duckworth when they ran in their respective races. Tammy Duckworth is a friggin rockstar, and it drove me up the wall when people were pulling that shit.

Yeah, Florida and FoxNews ate my parents.

And Thoros of Myr. And Balon Greyjoy. And Blackfish Tully.

Also, it’s pretty strongly implied that we’re getting a Tower of Joy flashback next season based on casting calls. That doesn’t affect Kit, though.

My very conservative parents said they'll vote for him if he's the republican candidate, but that if he wins, they'll feel deep shame for our country. Conservatives confuse me.

Bastard. I hope her family finds justice.

I used to do crisis counseling for rape victims. Most of the time, I’d come home and play Skyrim as a lady orc basher. After dealing with that much pain, it helped to redirect the aggression I was feeling toward their attackers.

My neighbor has a cat named Atticus.

I really enjoyed it. Controls can be buggy, but it's really sweet and beautifully animated. I love the story and the cultural insights. I played solo, so there might be fewer control and AI issues with a partner.

You weren't here for the March Madness cake vs pie deathmatch of yore? Nearly tore this site apart! Cheesecake, of course, won it all for pie. Cake sucks.

Wrong. Cheesecake is pie, so pie will ALWAYS win.

Yeah, I was so confused as to why he was taking advantage of this girl who was maaaaaaaybe 24, 26 tops. I just figured she married her high-school sweetheart and then he almost immediately died. It’s all clear now!