Unseelie Jess

Well, Jesse Eisenberg apparently can’t distinguish between Comic-Con and genocide, so...

Persuns of fuck.

My boss (a white gay himself) is friends with Andy Cohen, and it makes me crazy. At one point, it looked like we were going to partner with that idiot bobblehead and his team. I've never been so happy for something to fall through.

I get those, too. I stopped using them, though, because every place I order from had a banner on their website that said “Please don’t order from Eat24. Please order from us directly.” I figured something weird was up.

I think you’re right. Instead of his life flashing before his eyes, it’s that nightmare hellscape.

This is my favorite Lex origin and I so hope it's what they do.

Was about to post the exact same thing. You have excellent taste.

Wastrel is a word that needs to come back.

Especially since it comes right after he threatens to kill her. I’m always horrified when she wakes up the next morning all chipper and singing. I guess that’s their dynamic?

I hadn’t heard that one! I thought the OJ one was pretty prevalent, although obviously unconfirmed.

Well, there is that rumor that OJ is her dad...

I got the impression that the coal miners in Katniss’ district were mostly native, but that the townsfolk were white. She talks about her mom, Prim, and Peeta having the “town” look as pale blondes, while she and Gale have the “Seam” look with olive skin, grey eyes, and dark hair. It’s not enough that the districts

I would actually love an Ood Doctor, tbh.

Honestly, when I saw the headline, I thought this was going to be an article about Ariana Grande.

I get the annoyance, but I’m 30 and I have nieces and nephews that range in age from 4-21. I could totally be teenage Peter Parker’s aunt.

A lot of people were giving the clerks who quit their job over the ruling shit, but I’m actually glad they did that rather than go through this BS. They knew they could no longer do their job as it conflicted with their religious beliefs, as backward and wrong as I find those beliefs. Rather than try and get around

I can't ride a bike, and Melanie can. An adorable raccoon is making me feel totally inadequate.

Well, your possible Aunt Jess in Pittsburgh says hi and Happy 4th. :)

Are you my nephew ? Because this sounds like my mother.