Unseelie Jess

Whenever I’m driving around my neighborhood and I see my neighbors walking cute dogs, it’s all I can do not roll down the window and try and make friends. That’s right. I want to street harass families walking their cute dogs so that I can befriend them and hang out with their dogs. I haven’t done it yet, but I keep

Could Rose possibly have been fired instead based on that bizarro Gawker interview she did the other day? I thought I loved her, but it seems like she’s been erratic and possibly crazypants.

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Omfg that tiger is fast.

Twelve years ago, when I was anorexic, I got really excited when I was finally skinny enough to shop there. I was finally as thin as I was before I started menstruating, so once I got healthy, I wasn’t able to shop there anymore. Oh well. Guess I wasn’t missing much.

I’m not remotely surprised. I used to work at White House/Black Market, and whenever we had a PoC in the store, my manager would grab me and tell me to follow them. I got sick of following people around (those stores are really REALLY tiny) and there’s only so many times you can offer to help someone without feeling


Me, with every announcement:

I really hope that’s not the case. That’s how I felt after Sandy Hook, but I’m hoping someday that there will be change.

Goddamit, I love the Satanic Temple.

Ah, ok. I thought that was just Blackfish that got out that way.

God, I miss the Blackfish. That would be awesome.

A little while back, they released a casting call for a pirate, so I’m guessing that was Euron. We may get a Kingsmoot. :)

I yearn for Frey Pie

Didn’t they already kill off GreatJon Umber at the Red Wedding?

I love Toothless! I don’t care if this show is dumb. I’ll totally be watching.

I agree. Some of my favorite scenes in the early seasons were of Littlefinger and Varys sassing each other. It was one of the bonuses of the show vs. the book, since neither are PoV characters in the books. I’m hoping we’ll get some good Varys-Tyrion banter next season, now that Tyrion is done with his “where do

Don’t you hate when those dragons are neeeeearly dead, and you get all cocky and are like “Yeah, almost dead dragon! I’m like level 10, but here’s a sword in your face!” and the dragon eats you? Yeah.

Ghost is the main one I mean. He should be with Jon all the damn time, not just showing up as Deus Ex Puppy to save Sam from a beating.