Unseelie Jess

I’m sad how many people apparently came here to defend rape on this show, and on tv in general.

Quentyn Martell is my favorite...

Throw in Nymeria. I’d love to see her leading her giant wolf pack in raids across Westeros!

...I came for the politics and the boobs... The dragons and puppies were just a bonus. Speaking of, where on earth have those direwolves been?

GRRM got himself into trouble with the Meerenese knot, as he calls it. It seemed like D&D put off writing this season as long as possible, because they were expecting him to have TWoW written, and he just...didn’t. So they threw the most slapdash script together yet, and just started shooting. The pacing was

In the books, she flies off on Drogon to save her people from being eaten/torched by him. In this, it looked like she was rescuing him from a few rich guys in masks with spears. It more than bugged.

I’m sure we will. Season 7, Episode 9.

I really hate when out of town friends come to visit and I can’t convince them to NOT visit Navy Pier.

They said that preachers need to carry guns, and this is clearly an attack on Christians for practicing their religion. No joke.

Hey now. The Gringotts ride is there, and it is awesome.

I hated that ride so much. I was the wrong height for it, so every time we'd jerk, I'd smack my head hard between the seat and the headrest. I definitely threw up immediately after it was done.

I liked that book significantly more than I liked American Gods. They’re both wonderful, but I really connected with Anansi Boys. Possibly because I grew up with stories of Anansi the Spider, possibly because it was smaller scope, I’m not sure, but I loved it.

Kara, you’re my hero for this. This is incredible.

I thought of that on day one when this story broke.

Maybe she was trying to become black the way Buffalo Bill was trying to become a woman? {shudder}

Yessssssss. This woman is a disaster, but I love you for posting these videos! Also, I’m surprised she started the blackface thing while still married to him. That takes some ovaries. I assumed it started as a result of the divorce and her lawsuit failing the same year, and she possibly just snapped.

I definitely always said “Spoh-caine.” I learned this week that I have been wrong.

Thank you, I know what I’m doing instead of working this afternoon! Did you watch the video Kara posted where she lectures on black hair? It slayed me.

Well, she said it was “the” natural look, not “her” natural look...