Unseelie Jess

I think we all know this is the story of Ser Pounce, First of His Name, Mouser of the Seven Kingdoms, Scratcher of the Andals and the First Men, and the True King of Westeros. I think Drogon has a helluva fight coming his way if he ever makes it that far West. Ser Pounce has spent all this time as Paw of the King

Less time wasted in Dorne, less time with Arya scrubbing floors, and more time to spread out the major plot points. Hell, they could have had Arya kill Meryn Trant last week and given us some breathing room this week.

I honestly doubt they give a damn about spoiling the book. They flat out said that GRRM told them Shireen gets burned, and it wasn’t their idea. This has nothing to do with book spoiling and everything to do with keeping the audience in suspense so Jon can “surprise” everyone next season by being reborn in the flames.

LSH Truthers Unite!

I saw him listed in a few articles as her ex-husband, but in others as her husband. I’m not sure which is correct. There’s a lot of weirdness about this woman, and it’s clearly hard to tell what’s the truth!

Wendy is kind of a mess, but she’s known for her wigs.

Oh shit, I bet you’re right.

Isn’t she divorced now?

I would really love for her to get ripped apart by Oprah. I don’t even like Oprah, but I want to see the interview happen. Or Wendy Williams, and they can compare wigs.

I think sometimes it’s a perm and sometimes it’s a wig.

Well, yeah. That’s what I meant.

Well, most of this season was a mix of being super rushed and dragging (Dorne, Arya’s floor-cleaning). The pacing was really off.

Yes! I remember that from Beckett, of all things. I think they toned it down for that, though.


The walk of atonement was alluded to when they made the former High Septon walk through the streets naked. It’s also in the books, and GRRM said it was based on historical precedent. Still totally horrifying, but it didn’t come out of nowhere.

The Hound is dead. Long live Sandor Clegane!

I actually had a tornado warning cut into my viewing right when Stannis’ general said “there will be no siege” that stayed on the screen until Brienne said “I don’t fight for the Boltons.” We all were sitting there like, “Well, I guess Stannis lost...”

I was honestly half expecting Melisandre to run up to his body with tupperware to collect all the kingsblood she could before it stops flowing!

I still think that’s all a giant con. I don’t believe Jon is really dead .

I believe that’s the plan. I have no proof for that, but now his watch is certainly ended. Zombie Jon can do whatever the eff he wants.