Unseelie Jess

Dosh Khaleen!

Also, who knows how long it will take for anyone to find her? Won’t someone possibly come by and go “Wow, I found a pearl ring! Sweet!” before they can get there? Drogon basically flew her from Morocco to Ireland.

The actress playing that Septa was fabulous.

I think she watched Soul Man and thought “I could do that!”

They’re heeeeeeeeere

I loved Bridget because of her 10,000 pets.

From The Velveteen Rabbit!

If someone loved it very very much, it could have become real. The Skin Horse said so.

A hoboby?

I hear you, GRRM. “ more likely to have survived”?

It’s where Ariel came from.

I think Essos is the Middle East and Asia. Sothros is Africa.

It’s such a pretty book, too.

Don’t they make them practice it? I think they do. {shudders}


Well, yeah. But this was seriously the first thing that jumped in my head when I read the article title, because there’s just 100 pages sitting there, doing absolutely nothing to advance the plot. Ayn, if you wanted to write a speech, write a speech. If you wanted to write a novel, write a novel. Don’t write a literal

I still wouldn’t love it, but cutting John Galt’s 100 page diatribe at the end would improve it immensely. I nearly threw the book into a wall at that point.

You can always donate them to a shelter, but then you’re still out the money you spent.

Hairties and boxes are basically all it takes to make my little goofballs happy. Plus the occasional dime that falls to the floor, although they’d happily chase an Advil (although that terrifies me).

Have you seen Jim Gaffigan’s bit on birthdays? “Ugh, I can’t believe I have to go to work on my birthday! I can’t believe I have to pay for sex on my birthday!”