Unseelie Jess

I actually work in contemporary art now, so I just scheduled an appointment for someone in my office to meet Ryder Ripps the other day. That's the only reason I knew him. I didn't know who Adrianne Ho was until I was researching him, though. She sounds pretty darn cool!

Wasn't that movie The Crush and also Poison Ivy?

I wondered if they brought in her parents just to have someone there more boring than she is. They want to show us how she became a creature that sucks all the joy and charisma out of the room. They failed, because her parents don't like her, either.

I'm all for the Victor Zsasz's Racially Diverse Dominatrix Attack Team Action Show. Let's make this a thing.

Yes, yes, yes! I need this in my life so badly. He was basically a living holograph already.

I love that movie more than I probably should.

Things like this make me very very glad that Oberlin doesn't have a Greek system. Basically, you were required to wear clothes to class, and shoes were optional.

There's a handbook? Next you're going to be telling me there's actually Jew gold. I missed out on all the good shit when they were handing it out.

"Why didn't I concur?!!!"

That sucks. I usually know I'm in for an unpleasant night when I hear loud groans behind me as soon as my very tall partner and I sit down in a theater. Like, I really apologize for being tall. Trust me, having legs this long in old theaters designed for tiny people really and truly sucks. I may be able to see,

Collier, I am so sorry this happened to you. I'm a former opera singer, and this is absolutely disgusting. First of all, I'm annoyed as hell that they couldn't find a black soprano to sing Aida. While I support casting for the voice over looks, the Met hasn't done that in ages. There are black sopranos that can

I've gotten that before, actually. "Excuse me, could you please scooch down in your chair so my wife can see? Thanks, dear." Ugh. Not nearly as bad, but yeah. People are entitled jerks.

Like so?

They called me and said they'd checked the equipment and everything was done correctly, and everything was clean. They hope I get better soon, and while they didn't find any problems, they'll be monitoring the store for a bit. So...I guess that's good?

I love the Dragon movies, but I didn't see the Lego movie. My friend crocheted me a Toothless winter hat, and I'm basically obsessed with it now. Toothless is adorable, Hiccup and his family are endearing, and it's great to see a character like Astrid kick ass.

You should see Tiptoes. It's up there with The Room for one of my favorite movies of all time. It's really hard to say what the best part is: her dreads, David Allen Grier's wig, Kate Beckinsale's improbable costumes, Matthew McCoughnahey's entire performance, Gary Oldman playing a dwarf version of Jeff Foxworthy,

Best use of gifs of the week.

Mine, too!

Those are so flippin cute. I don't even love Sailor Moon, but if they sold these in prescription lens style, I'd be all about them. I think wearing them with my glasses on top would probably defeat the purpose.