Unseelie Jess

Got it. My info was probably just from the imdb page, so you're sounds more reliable.

Ooo, is that why? I'd read that his version was too scary, and possibly too similar to Pennywise.

I'm sorry. :(

I've heard from a bunch of guys I no longer hang out with that "Beyonce is so beautiful, you can almost forget she's black." Older guys say it about Diana Ross. It's gross. I bet Hucks and O'Reilly are some of those guys.

My husband, too. He didn't use the term because he thought only women could be feminists. Also, he thought he shouldn't voice his opinion on feminist issues b/c he thought men shouldn't voice opinions on women's issues. Now he calls feminists "people," and antifeminists "idiots."

Jonathan, is that you?

Mr. Jessi03 is a dead ringer for Alan Tudyk, and I blame that for me sobbing like a baby whenever I watch Serenity. Honestly, though, Wash is so wonderful that I'm sure it's only part of the reason.


"Possible explanations for this finding are that males are unaware of all the dangers associated with lightning..."

Yes, and it's devastating.

This is awesome. I love it so much. The paper's response is perfection.

Thanks, phone, for correcting "asshole" to "as hole." Sigh...


Pretty sure he believes "the Lord will provide." As whole.

I loved him as the Huntsman on Once Upon a Time. It's absurd they shaved him for 50 Shades.

That's awesome! I sang with him a few times when I was in high school, and he was one of the most laid-back yet exciting (and talented) people I've ever met. I bet he was a blast to work for!

Ego is a code word for penis. Always stroke his ego.

I was just about to put this! One of my favorite books from childhood.

and hey, Skype!

Forget the sneakers and the hoverboard. I just wanted the automatically fitting/drying clothes.