Unseelie Jess

They really should have switched the casting between Wendy and her mother. That woman can sing AND act, while Wendy hung around and pretended to do both while actually doing neither.

TLo suggested they had his cue cards on a Roomba, and that explained his lack of focus anywhere near the camera.

Maybe Love, Actually is secretly a documentary.

I just posted the same thing. I'm really glad they didn't drug a lion just for a silly photoshoot. (Also still languishing in greys).

I'm actually glad they didn't drug a real lion just to pose with her.

"Peter Pan is the sun and moon and stars!" Wow, that was painful.

Wtf is happening. I don't remember this boat song at all.

Ugh, unnecessary catfight. Wendy Moira Angela Darling, setting feminism back an additional century. ‪#‎PanLive‬

Homoeroticism is alive and well, I see.

Why'd they give John's "Not I" to Wendy? I thought the whole point was to show that John was stuffy and not as smart as he thought.

Omfg, Melissa Joan Hart's commercials. "Yup, that's a boy and arrow, just like Wendy got shot with!" #PanLive

At least he can still dance.

Christian Borle (Smee) is really having an epic year for televised musicals, huh? Also, why does he look so hot in pirate drag to me?

Oh, so they reappropriated the Sound of Music costumes for the Lost Boys. Makes...sense?


So they spent a ton of money on this London set, I see.

Madeleine, will you be Shazamming the show to sing along, as NBC suggests?

Wendy is A.C.T.I.N.G.

I already have fairy dust over my whole life.

Wendy: "I can see them!"