Unseelie Jess

That's what I thought when I saw the trailer.

Just got here! Stuck at work. Just in time to see some rough crowing.

PREACH! I love this woman!

I love it. It's so hilariously awful. Also, I don't get the side story about him and the cop. Like, he loves his wife and daughter, but he also just runs off with a hottie police officer? They looked a little too flirty for her to just be giving him a ride b/c his truck broke down.

I didn't want to believe it, but...that IS the most accurate drawing of myself I've ever seen.

I grew up in Chicago....Is my whole life a lie? Have I been brainwashed? IS MY HOMETOWN A FRAUD???

Boooo, that's obnoxious of them. I'm sorry. Maybe...they were just contact you for Thanksgiving plans? If you're American? I go without speaking to my mother for months at a time, though, so you will find absolutely no shame in that from me. You do what you need to do!

Oof. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm still friends with mine, but I've blocked all his posts.

Yeah, my parents and I stopped talking for a good while because of that. Fortunately, they live halfway across the country, so I don't see them enough in person to be really problematic. Internet avoidance is much easier!

So he turned down Anderson Cooper for Snuffalupagus? Well, at least he didn't go with Don Lemon, I suppose...

Tell me about it. My dad is one of the "Hooray, justice prevailed! This isn't about race, this is about thugs not respecting the police!" people. I had to block his posts on Facebook, because apparently becoming old and moving to Florida means that you become racist. He's like a completely different person now,

That made me sick.

I feel sick. This is disgusting and horrific, and I'm depressed how unsurprised I am. I wish safety and strength to the people of Ferguson tonight.

Thank you! And yeah, I share your rage about it. I friggin love that place. As soon as I heard it was closing, I was hoping you'd write something about it.

I just saw that. I was rapidly looking for it when it happened, and then I must've missed the actual posting. Thank you!

Oh my gosh, I kept looking for it and must've just missed it! Thanks for posting!

Well, I'll be having nightmares tonight.

Yaaay, BCO Mondays!

Oh fuck me. What the fuck is that even....I'm done.

Fuck "rape rape" Whoopi. I expected her to be a hot mess about this.