Unseelie Jess

God, I loved Many Waters. Yalith had the best name.

Best wardrobe. Also, I kind of had a crush on Uncle Garr...and Aunt Cornelia.

Mimi Yamamoto!

I always remember yelling at the dog to "get out of the kitchen." Love it.

BSC Super Mysteries were the best!

I have a toaster that is also a toaster oven. I can't live without it. It's bright red, and a thing of beauty.

It made me think of Doctor Who.

I was using "Right Chest, Wrong Name" as a prop in my most recent show, and I really want to buy it. It has the best Romance title I've ever seen. I've never bought or read a "romance novel," but this one is so very tempting to me.…

I LOVED Blind Assassin! Enjoy!

Ooo, let me know how The World of Ice and Fire is! I actually really liked the Dunk and Egg stories, but the most recent short story in Dangerous Women was a tough slog for me. If this one is in that same Maester's writing style, I may have to pass.

I am so excited for this book. Moulton was such a weird dude.

Ooo, very excited for some of those!

Mark, I love your stuff, but this has been on Snopes since 2007, it looks like. That woman was trying to use a potato to keep her uterus from falling out. Not to say this didn't happen, also might end up on Cracked next week.

Others have said it, but I'll second Lestat. Definitely loves his immortality.

That was my first thought, too. Lestat is the most fun immortal.

Screw the nothing burger, I still want my stupid lasagna!

Roseanne and co reminded me of my aunt and her kids. Watching that show was really like hanging out with family for me.

Thank you for writing this.

I know one person's experience is in no way useful for extrapolating data, but when I was on OKCupid in my mid-20s, I got a lot of messages from guys in their late 40s, early 50s. It was weird.

Well, now I'm crying. What a brave, beautiful sweetie.