Unseelie Jess

Ewwww. Sadly, this doesn't have my "favorite" clip of his, where he talks about how Americans are "impure" b/c we keep breeding with other species (he then corrects to the term "ethnics.") I can't even handle this douchebucket.

Bless you, I hate them, too. I hate that their icky wrong flavor is so common. I thought I was the only one!

If I weren't absurdly allergic to Chanel makeup, I'd be all over this. I can't help it. I find Choupette irresistible.

One of my dear friends got so many calls for Red Lobster from people who absolutely refused to believe that she had the wrong number that she started answering all unknown calls as "Hello, this is NOT Red Lobster. Can I help you?" People left her voicemails trying to set up reservations and everything.

Methinks the gent doth protest too much.

That story just made me burst into tears. That's so beautiful! What a great Snow White.

I absolutely loved Capaldi, and I thought this was a great way to introduce him. What kept taking me out of it, though, was Clara's seeming inability to accept the fact that he's regenerated. Clara's the Impossible Girl! She's been there for literally every incarnation of the Doctor, so I really don't see why this

There is no more space on my forehead for my eyebrows to go.

One of my good friends is from STL, and she was disgusted that some of her old classmates were bringing boxed lunches to the "poor police" in Ferguson. She was pretty livid, and I don't blame her. Who are these white people? How can they not see what is happening?

It's happened to me on the subway. At 6:30 am while I was on my way to work. A full train of people, and no one said or did anything. The train was running express, so it wasn't even like I could get off at the next stop or anything and move to another car (the next stop was 20 minutes away). It was disgusting.

I almost quit watching the show when they were introduced. I friggin hate their arc! I only held out b/c I'd heard good things about The Empty Child. I'm really glad that I stuck with it, but wow. I can't rewatch them, even now.

YANA....You Are Not Alone in your feelings about Stephen Moffatt.

Midnight is one of my favorite episodes of all time. I know it gets a lot of hate, but no episode has scared me more.

I think this is a great idea, but I'm stuck at the fact that someone named their child Ima Christian.

This is horrifying. It's worse that I'm not even surprised anymore.

Noooo! I was with you until the end! I, too, hate tomatoes. I could nearly get behind the ranking, but I'm horrifically allergic to raspberries (and blackberries), so they can never be my #1.

Was it Julie of the Wolves? I remember reading that in school back in the day.

I really hate what's happened to the site since Kinja took over. The original commenting system was SO much better. I almost quit reading Jezebel when this whole thing started, because I no longer felt like this was a safe space. Of course, I can't quit you. I'm really sorry that you have to interact with this


I've been to this place, and it was decent, but not super great. What freaked me out was that there's a wall-sized mural of cavemen riding dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden. I first thought it was supposed to be ironic, but apparently it was not at all. Creepy place.