Unseelie Jess

I thought it was hot coffee, too. Was expecting a lawsuit. Hot sauce? Ehh.

"I Dudditz!"

I love Thomas Pink shirts a bunch more than I like the Vicky S Pink line, so I'm all for it. Those shirts are gorgeous, and if I could afford some for my boy, he'd already have them.


I think I still own it from 15 years ago. Clinique Surprise, perhaps?

Please, please make this happen.

Yeaaaay! Yeaaay! I loved these books as a kid, and the screen adaptations of them have been....lackluster. I'm psyched about this.

This made me laugh so hard at my desk that I'm disturbing my neighbors. Well done.

I would definitely read your book about Ben the Bear from Budapest and his Fabulous Frozen Fudgecicles.

I almost posted the gif but checked to see if anyone else had. Well done.

I'd buy that Niccolo's assistant emailed back and forth with Kim's assistant 3 times a day. Kim probably did approve things, as most of the outfits look like things she's worn, but I doubt either of them have time to do that much back and forth. Just my suspicion.

Is that what it is? I thought that was a concealer/highlighter mishap.

I didn't realize that was him! I loved him as the Huntsman in Once Upon a Time. I basically stopped watching once he left the show.

Thank you for posting this. I worked at a restaurant once where I was fired for going to the hospital for a few days. On a completely related note, I ended up being hired at Starbucks because another worker had just been fired for needing to get chemo. So....yeah.

THIS! Exactly. Thank you.

Omigod, is that you???

I know. The irony just kills me with this one.

She probably has. In the Buzzfeed article, it mentions that he's been actively trying to get her to take it down, because he never asked for all of this attention. Sigh.

As someone who does medical advocacy for sexual assault victims, it baffles me how many nurses refuse to even mention Plan B. They know exactly how it works, but they still won't prescribe it b/c they believe Todd Aiken's bullshit (I'm in PA, btw). "If at the end of the day, they still get pregnant, God must have

He's said in the past that no one in Hollywood will hire him b/c he's a Christian, so...