Unseelie Jess

Nope, it's up here in the North, too. Related in terms of ignorance/oppression, but not race: One of my incredibly sweet co-workers recently expressed her distress that now we have marriage equality in our state, that she's going to be invited to her lesbian neighbors wedding. She likes them personally, but doesn't

Hey hey, I'm in Squirrel Hill! Let's hang and laugh at people taking pictures of their food at Soba!

I had to take "White Gloves and Party Manners" in the 1st grade! One of the most bizarre things I've ever done. Clearly, 6 year olds must be taught how to properly eat lobster.

That was my first thought, too. Considering the false reports earlier, this unnerves me. I really really want to believe it's true, though.

Thank you so much! I really was. :D

Thank you so much! I whipped it up the night before! (the tiara, not the dress)

In the late 90s, I knew a girl who used to page herself repeatedly instead of getting a vibrator. I guess stupid teens don't change THAT much over time.

THANK YOU! I have loathed this movie since it came out, and I cannot comprehend why so many people love it. They're both cute and the clothes are pretty, but it seemed to me that it was the story of an emotionally abusive/obsessive dickbag and the indecisive woman who probably didn't love him, but did think he was

It's actually pretty similar to the one I wore last October . Mine just had crocheted bell sleeves instead of tapered ones like that.

I hope this isn't an overreach, but it reminds me of the Trayvon Martin case. They didn't have to prove that he was actually a threat to George Zimmerman, just that Zimmerman believed he was. If someone believes you might harm them, they're allowed to murder you. If you believe incorrect things about medicine,

Me, too. My insurance didn't cover it back then b/c it was seen as an optional whore-pill, even though my doctor wrote it on my chart as for hormonal imbalances. Now, my parents claim that women with actual menstrual issues like you and me can "and always have been" able to get birth control for free, and we

Mine was doing the same thing. It works if you hit Expand. Apparently Kinja is eating gifs today.

Those three are definitely my favorite villain songs. Be Prepared's little Nazi hyena moment terrified me as a child. Also, that hair flip. Love.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I love cuddle kitties, and she looks like a beauty.

Babies! They're so sweet! I never would have named my cat Henry on my own, b/c a kid named Henry tormented me from 2nd through 8th grade. However, I found the little guy at the shelter and fell in love. He was nearly 11 years old and came when you called him! Clearly he knew his name.

Literally sobbing with laughter at my desk. Thank you.

Gaah! I die! The tuxedo tabby is my little old man Henry Cat (16), and the sweet chubby white twins are Tony and Cleo (6).

One of my little buddies is 16, and I'm not remotely ready for him to go. Fortunately, he's in good health for now. I'd love it if he gave Poppy a run for her money.

Wow. Fuck you, WaPo.

I am so angry and confused that I'm now feeling nauseous. Also, where are my SA Survivor (excuse me, "survivor") privileges? I want my privileges, dammit! B/c the only thing I've gotten is PTSD/RTS, psychiatrist bills, and a bad fucking attitude to douchefucks like George Will.