Unseelie Jess

Not sure if anyone else has pointed this out (wow, 941 comments!), but the "beautiful balletic" rape scene mentioned occurred in Season 2. It was the attempted rape of Sansa by the men in the crowd. The Hound saves her before the rape occurs.

I was hoping they'd already cast her, and that's why she's not on the casting sheets. I personally would LOVE Aishwarya Rai to play her, but that's just me.

He's so awful that I completely love him. Not EVERYONE is the blood of the dragon, even if they technically have some dragon's blood in them.

Quentyn was the one I was thinking about.

Maybe they've already been cast? I don't think we've heard about any Dornish princes being cast (just Sand Snakes), but I'm really hoping we get one next season.

Same here. I couldn't really get a grip on him in the books, and I was mostly just grossed out by his death. Pedro Pascal made me completely fall in love with him on the show. I was dreading the fight, but I had no idea it would affect me as much as it did. It was agonizing.

"Curve of the breast"?? What is the world coming to! Think of the children! How are children supposed to deal with breast curvature? -_-

Of course! I found it recently when I was moving, and that chapter still makes me so happy.

That reminds me of the Guerilla Girls book "Bitches, Bimbos, and Ballbusters." The last chapter was Barbies of every female stereotype they could come up with, and it was awesome.

Me, too!

Well you know what they say..."hands of gold are always cold..."

She's beautiful! I tried taking my kitty out in a harness, but he flopped around like a fish on a line and got free. Then he ran off into the woods for a few hours, and I was an absolute wreck. Now Mr. Kitty stays at home.

That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the headline. Thank you.

When I was in college, I desperately wanted to do a gender bent production of Don Giovanni. I made a proposal, talked about it with the female staff, and even applied for a minor in directing just to make it happen. When I finally got to talk to the head of the department, he told me that the idea of gender

Just like in South Park. Once they'd kicked Cartman out of the clique, Clyde had to become the new fat kid, even though he's not fat. Everyone needs a "fat kid" to kick around.

Yeah, I had to explain to my husband what the importance of that revelation was. He'd forgotten who Jon Arryn was. Once I told him, he said he didn't put it past "creepy boob lady" to do something like that.

Thank you!

Stuart Weitzmans are so comfy for how high the heels are. I miss being able to afford them. I love them so much.

Which is tragic, because that's clearly where Hodor belongs. With Ser Pounce as Paw of the King.

My husband actually said, "Look! Ice Darth Maul! Ice Maul!" when they showed up.