Unseelie Jess

I read it in the waiting room of my allergist's office. So there's that.

Where is Ariel's giant bang? I think this would be easier if we could see more of their hair. Then again, I desperately wanted to be Aurora when I was a little girl specifically because I was obsessed with her hair.

I made several people's heads explode when I picked my wedding colors. The wedding was this past October in a garden, so my colors were "leaf colors." I was told so many times how unoriginal that was and how we were all going to blend into the background, but you know what? It looked beautiful, it was easy for the

Pretty sure that's Inara.

I spilled beer on my laptop while live tweeting it. I spent the rest of the night drinking beer from a thermos.

It's official. I want a fox and I want a Tom Selleck audiobook. Let's make it happen, internet.

Amazing. I love the Lichtenstein at the end!

Hahaha! I haven't fit in a 7Long in many years. Trust me, I will definitely cheer if I ever do again!

I remember going to the Levi store when I was 13, back when Silvertab jeans were all the rage. I needed a 7Long. The woman at the counter suggested that I come back when I could fit into a 5. Once again, I was 13 years old and 5'11. 15 years later, it still makes me sick.

Obviously he is a villain from the Green Lantern.

I'm 5'11 and I was nearly hospitalized for being underweight/anorexia in my teens. I was a size 6 in pants and 4 in tops. So obviously, he's after a shorter gal.

I love the fact that he has multiple facebook accounts without actually using facebook.

Damn, I'm so close! I'm too fat, an atheist, and I work in non-profits instead of "real careers" (what?) but otherwise we'd be purrrfect! Set me up, so I can beat him with a stiletto.

Great list. Even thinking about the Iron Giant has me near tears now. I would add Doctor Who's finales for seasons 2 and 4 (Rose on the beach, and saying goodbye to Donna). The feelings, every time.

Thank you. It really does. At least it's over now!

I would hope if it were that bad, she would've told you. Hopefully yours just got lost in the mail!

It is tacky as hell, but I actually did that same thing. I was roommates with my friend's boyfriend, and he became physically and emotionally abusive towards me. When I told her what was going on, she said that I should stop trying to make her not love him and what he does when she's not around is none of her

I'm going through the same thing right now. I sent my bridesmaids a picture of my dress, picked four colors, and told them to wear whatever made them feel comfortable in that color scheme. Two of them immediately freaked out about it not matching and demanded that I pick their dress. Sent them links to 40 possible

My kitty is the same way! Also, while he loves the feather stick, if he's not in the mood to play, he'll walk over and take it out of my hand. He knows.

Hooray for Mrs. Norris! I always thought their love was vastly underrated.