Unseelie Jess

I could not agree with this more. I absolutely adored Jack Sparrow until it become The Jack Sparrow Show. He loses his charm if you try and give him substance to go with his style.

One of my favorites.

It's obviously a Weeping Angel. They've come to destroy us all.

Gross. I can't even handle this. That poor girl. Well, I guess now she knows that as a woman, it's her job to police the actions and feelings of every man who sees her. Gah. So upsetting.


I really hope you're safe now. It's such an awful situation, but at least you realize there's a problem and are leaving. That takes a lot of strength.

Well of course the comments on her article are closed. Mindsets like hers are one of the reasons that abusers get so much sympathy and victims are too frightened to report. I can't believe that kind of abuser excusing trash was published. Hides head under cat.

Cassiebear wins!

I would LOVE to see her back on tv! I know it's only been half a season, but I miss her. Also, she's really tall and I think Mary was, too. Only problem is that Mary spoke French primarily, which was part of the reason the Scots hated her so much. Could we get an HBO miniseries with Marion Cotillard, maybe?

YES! I finally went to Intimacy and got a bra fitting. Their bras are expensive, so I only have 2 of them, but oh my goodness what a revelation! For years, I've been wearing 38Ds and I just thought boobs were supposed to jiggle around when we walked. Part of the pain of being larger chested. NOPE! Turns out, I'm

I actually thought she was straddling an ice cream cone.

Yes. Ugh. I never liked Candyland as a kid, but I was weirdly obsessed with Queen Frostine. I used to carry her card around because I thought she was the most beautiful person ever. off-putting.

Come on, y'all! Lisa Frank was super 90s. Valley Girls FTW! At least for this week. There's no way they'll win the whole shebang.

Ahh! That is so true!

Seriously! My fiance asked me who I would choose if it came down to him or the cats. I was like " you really want me to answer that question?" For the record, I know this makes me a crazy cat lady and I don't care.

I've never done it. I had a family member who almost died from it in the 80s tho...but that's a reason for me to NOT vote for it.

They barely hurt. Well, the needle is really thin so that barely hurts. The serum can be pretty painful, depending on your pain tolerance.

I've done it. I mean, I'm allergic to basically everything, so the cat shots were just a bonus that let me keep my little flufferfaces.

All about Baby Jessica. I was really little when all that happened, and I thought we were related b/c we had the same first name. I never said I was a brilliant little child!

Me, too! It's mean. I went with BSC.