
No I....uh...I hated it. Not much confusion there.

“Whatever the fuck its called, i havent been there in over a decade”

This guy’s (an others like him) work is the reason that my parents were complete psychopaths in my teens (and early 20's) in regards to dating.

Totally agree. I’m familiar with the guys that organized the jersey sale from the Eagles side of things, and all of them had nothing but kind words about him and I appreciate the good sportsmanship.

That’s a random Giants fan and 2001 Curt Schilling lookalike with the landmark reaction to the Giants

I love that he caps “lord” like some 50-something soccer mom that believes in chem-trails.

The day this man dies (hopefully sooner than later) or goes to prison, I am going to get so incredibly fucked up.

Oof. After this week, this is the most I can ask for on a Friday: something positive to take with me into the weekend.

I’m going to Maui. Given the state of things I’m turning off the tech, catching up on some reading, and taking in the sights. See yous all when I get back....assuming I come back.

Man there are some names on that list that I had forgotten and just...OOF


Came here to point out the disgrace that is Joe Manchin not at least getting a (dis)honorable mention.


:facepalm: I done goofed

“I’m a cop,” Harris says.

More can be done

Ding ding ding!

My practice is to pick up single issues/start new series digitally and if there is something that I really love/deserves a place on my shelf (Saga, Sandman, Y, Transmetropolitan..) I go buy the physical volumes( or hardcover books if available)

...have at least some time to redefine yourself and your priorities before jumping into another relationship.