
Maybe it’s time to reevaluate whether or not you want him as a fiance? It’s drastic, I know, but it sounds like he’s fallen down the QAnon hole (with the Biden is a pedophile thing) and I’m not sure that’s the kind of person you would want in your life. This isn’t something that I’m saying to you lightly, but I follow

While many are shedding tears for half-baked Connor McGregor, all this stress is largely due to him being caught lying to congress about suppressing minority voters back in 2016….

If you’re going back that far you should be equally pissed at the Democrats. They’re both shit. 

I don’t understand what these people want asking Chinese citizens who are in the spotlight, almost completely rely on their fame within China and are always at risk of being cut off, exiled or worse about these issues. Even if he disagrees with the Uighur detainment it would be career suicide if not actual suicide if

I actually agree with them. But that raises a question....why do they care? They didn’t about the immigration issues in cages, people dying, atrocities.  They don’t have a problem with cops slaughtering black people in our country.  Their leader praises China constantly (and does a TON of business with

I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down. 

If you watch the Gallery (the dumbest name) behind-the-scenes series on the Mandalorian, Pedro actually is in the armor some of the time, but splits physical portrayal with two stunt people.

As a Bernie supporter I’m extremely disappointed that he didn’t show up to vote. Especially since he’s completely suspended his campaign he has no reason to miss it.

I’m probably in minority here, but I preferred the Scifi mini series Dune and the excellent Children of Dune to Lynch’s version even with the budget constraints. I’ve watched the original Dune movie only twice, but the series multiple times and enjoy going back to it now and then because, even with all its limitations,

If you only ever read Dune, where Duncan is a minor character and thus we don’t find out about him, the only garbage part of him you get to see is a small bit of his sexism when he’s dragged in drunk and Lady Jessica questions him.

Having had read the novels I found the lynch Dune film to be an abomination. The SyFy series was far superior and a better metric for comparison though by no means perfect.  What nice about the SyFy series is that they didn’t even try to waste their resources on making it appear realistic.  They approached the

Heh. I like that. It is a reprint/update of an 80s Parker Brothers game, so I’d be somewhat surprised if that was on the original designers mind, but it certainly “works”.

*guillotine sharpening intensifies*

Ahsoka would like a word.

Yes but then the Clone Wars series made up for that mistake, and every other narrative and character mistake made in the prequels. So all was well in the end IMO.

“Yeetle” has been going around too. 

Even more impressive when you realize the altimeter dipped into the single digits on that 500m/s approach. 🤣 It’s just how he do.

This is as good a place as any to say goodbye.

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

Popular art is still art.