
Is this another “good people on all sides” moment or another Trump-can’t-grammar moment?

This deserves more stars.

That banner photo of the mooch. It’s so uncanny....something familiar about...can’t

Clearly, you are unfamiliar with Hope Solo.

Same; 35-40w seems to be a good spot and keeps the batteries from dying fast.

This. I grew up around guns, though I don’t own one now. I have a few gun nut friends who are all about getting an AR-15 for “protection”. I have to politely remind them that if they knew nearly as much about guns as they claim they do, they would never want a weapon like that for personal protection. It’s not

What the ever loving shit are you talking about?

I’m not making excuses (nor ok with a few deaths, as you seem to imply) just stating the fact the the nature in which these devices are designed do not have the same safety measures as regulated mods. Which is why I argued that there is no good reason to use them.

Eh not quite. A mechanical mod is something that is no joke and does have risk involved. It is unregulated. This means that there is no computer chip monitoring the status of the battery. Using a mechanical mod requires good knowledge of ohms law, voltage, and battery safety.

Hey Emma,

Good to know. Going to have to try one next time I am down south. That’s also quite a catchy name.

Go Birds!

also pretty good hoagies.

This is a very good point. They prob figure that it is a twitter account that Trump himself never checks. And even if his staffers do, he doesn’t give a shit about the account because it doesn’t have name permanently tied to it.

No wonder they are such good friends.

I feel your pain on the board games. I’ve really had to control myself to keep my bookshelves from buckling and and my bank account from breaking. Especially when you get into some of the heavier weight or mini intensive stuff.

spend more than $60 on their games.

*Reads headline*