
True and true. lol

It really is beautiful on so many levels.

....Because he said he wasn’t trying to be MLK? It’s pretty clearly stated in the post.

Dear Taylor and Kanye,

I told my wife this very thing last night.

“take too much alcohol”

As a PA local, that knows the magic of Total Wine & More, it really is one of the only reasons to be in DE.


Like, I get it, he feels that his talent should have placed him higher. Put lets really stop and think this though Josh:

Survive (30th anniversary edition w/ expansions) will never leave my collection. 

That is one of the best things I have read in a long time and one hell of a gut punch.

Holy Shit.

I grew up with dogs and love dogs to death. That said, I wouldn’t trade anything for my two cats. They are far too unique in personality and too fluffy for me to give up.

I’m going to nitpick here.

Glad I’m not the only one to have my nerd brain trick me for a hot second.

I can’t say that I would be able say with absolute scientific certainty (I am not a woman, nor have I ever shot myself), but I would bet that giving a vagina a bullet graze wouldn’t tickle.

I was gonna spend the next 10 minutes trying to craft a carefully worded and thoughtful response to this. Then I realized that I could just sum it up with a gif:

Why do I not remember this?

It’s ok everyone. No need to press play. I paid the price for you all. I can confirm it’s hot garbage.

While having the country in metaphorical flames and being ass-fucked by the GOP, is depression educing and makes me want to dive into a perpetual liver-crippling binge, I do find a sliver of Schadenfreude with just how inept these people are at being crooks.