
I’m going to go bold here and go with E: All of the above.

perhaps one with Brink style player movement, or totally destructible environments a la Red Faction.

Sooooooo.....why not both?

Last I checked, I’m allowed to surf the web on my lunch break. But thanks for the advice.

Oh course they won’t, cause they will keep referring to and thinking of it as part of Philadelphia.

God, that face. It has to rank as one the most rage and fury inducing, for me.

You’re probably right. My HR team probably would be understanding, as I work for a pretty liberal/worker-friendly company, but not everyone does. And I will admit I normally don’t check the “filed to” unless as an afterthought. So, that’s totally on me and I’ll be sure to check it more often in the future.

I mean, that’s not the point.

I have to say, that was M. Night Shyamalan ending to your story that I did NOT see coming.

Just for clarity, the trial is being held at Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown,PA. It’s very close to Philadelphia, but not technically inside city limits.

This is the correct answer.

Hammerfell or Black Marsh.

(ETA: I typed all of this on my phone.)

Oh god, I hope he doesn’t read this by chance. He totally would jump all over it, if he goes back to commentating.

That’s Viginia TECH. Don’t be getting them confused. Charlottesville may have been in the news for some passing through Nazi’s, but there are some backwards ass people residing in Blacksburg (oh, the irony).

side-eye indeed.... Everyone knows “If you give a mouse a cookie” came first.

This will always get stars from me. So spot on.

...are just living their lives, desperately waiting for it to finally be warm enough to eat Rita’s

Hopefully it aims at Camden, we can tell everyone to evacuate, and that sad place can start over with a clean slate. Much cheaper than a hired demo crew.

Michael Avenatti, the strangely-attractive-to-only-me attorney..