It doesn’t take a genius to draw out the subtext about race, body type, and marketability in America.
It doesn’t take a genius to draw out the subtext about race, body type, and marketability in America.
I was 18 when Superbad premiered; I hated it then and I hate it now.
lolololol yeah sure that's what it is, I don't know what I was thinking
Irregardless is not a real word - you heathen.
Do some research, immigrants are net positive on the economy. Even illegal ones from third world countries.
Wholly fuck you’re mentally challenged.
Oh shit, we got a successful billionaire in the comment section! Everyone, shut the fuck up and listen to the platitudes and beatitudes.
But only after she’s reprised her role as Valeris in Star Trek.
They all felt SATC3 was a good idea. Cattrall didn’t. So I trust her more.
Sarah, that you?
“The people demand more Mannequin and Big Trouble in Little China coverage!!!”
mispell (it’s misspell) and by (my). They came back and fixed ‘by’ but decided to stick by mispell. That’s integrity.
Love that you packed two misspellings into this little stretch of copy.
A-Rod just wanted someone else to eat the outside of the cake first, since he only prefers the centaur pieces.
I say it is unfair even when qualified - no film will ever sell as many tickets as Gon with the Wind because the cultural and economic structures that helped GwtW succeed don’t exist anymore. Even Gone with the Wind, if released today, would not sell as many tickets, even without taking into account changing values…
Real life isn’t a fucking Aaron Sorkin show. There are no such thing as thunderous monologues that win the day.
Wah, wah, wah, nothing will happen, there’s no instant silver bullet that’ll solve our problems, we didn’t get a smocking gun out of it, everything’s pointless boo hoo hoo we’re all fucked and gonna die, doom doom doom.
It’s not clear to me how getting Mueller to make some public statements about his report that ran clearly counter to Trump’s characterization of it hurts anyone, and I haven’t seen anyone saying they thought this would be some Aaron Sorkin monologue-esque moment where Mueller scored a fatality on Trump’s Presidency…
Tron Legacy is hot, steaming garbage served up on the prettiest, shiniest, most awe-inducing plate Disney could produce.
As Mr. Murphy said previously, the effects and overall look are wonderful, as is Daft Punk’s phenomenal score....literally everything else about the film is a disaster.
I do. I’m also a pack-rat when it comes to technology. :)