Nah. Instagram should be renamed Sahara Desert because everyone in it is thirsty as fuck.
Nah. Instagram should be renamed Sahara Desert because everyone in it is thirsty as fuck.
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
LOL. I don’t know enough about the Baldwin brothers to know if the comments should be taken this way, but I read it as a dad and uncle goofily giving their daughter/niece a hard time online, and as a dad I find that hilarious. Please don’t let me know if either of their character’s should have me creeped out/offended…
It’s just Annie Hall--but with a happy ending. If they’d split at the end, it’d just be... Annie Hall.
Get ready for people to lose their shit.
Looking forward to it.
Get ready for people to lose their shit.
McConaughey from Failure to Launch?
Your security guards were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.
**sits, sips, and reads all of the nasty and jealous responses in the greys, while dismissing all of the nasty replies**
Which no one here has done. Take the straw man elsewhere, please.
Yeah, I bet you had the world completely figured out five minutes after you turned eighteen. Nobody could ever get over on you.
On the one hand, this looks dope and Greg Rucka is a god tier comic creator.
You know, there's a whole article underneath the headline that you're also supposed to read.
Bone hugs in harmony.
Woah, woah, woah. Let’s not let GrapeNuts off the hook so quickly. It’s literally gravel.
Lords of Light!
I would prefer a Thundarr the Barbarian TV series.