Except that Pixar has shown time and time again you can entertain kids and parents and not be insultingly stupid and pathetically lazy while you do it.
Except that Pixar has shown time and time again you can entertain kids and parents and not be insultingly stupid and pathetically lazy while you do it.
Thank you. The overall mediocrity of Dreamworks in general is astounding. A Kung-Fu Panda here and a Madagascar 3 there (trust me: it’s stunning something so sublimely great even got made at this house of half-talent; Noah Baumbach came in and elevated the whole thing) does not make up for 90% of it being the laziest…
Prime example: Olivia Rodrigo’s ex. Silent as a tomb. Smartest move ever.
“We’ve ALL done stuff when we were younger and dumber that we would regret now. Not sure why famous people think they need to be so different...”
He blames WB for wanting to turn it into a comedy after Deadpool blew up.
Congratulations! You are the most pathetic misogynist muthafucka on the internet today which is no small feat!
And hey, shallow spectacle can be fun. But Snyder films always feel convinced they are saying something deep.
Boom. This.
Oh, I can count on one hand the Iron Fist runs worth reading, believe me.
Will the same band of idiots behind the show be involved? You know, the idiots who decided the climatic final episode of the first season, would instead be held to be the first episode of the second?
Yeah, that run from Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction and David Aja was so unremarkable that it was not only garnered an Eisner Nomination for Best New Series eventually winning Best Writer for Fraction. Clearly unread mediocrity in action... Much like the mediocrity of the first run from the undistinctive talents of…
Okay, so I don’t do scary because I’m a wuss but also I have a fundamental problem with the fact that one of the foundations of horror is PEOPLE DOING DUMB SHIT THEY WERE SPECIFICALLY TOLD NOT TO DO!!!
Same. Had he directed the best thing I can say is I think it would have been a little kinder to women than DV was in BR2049 (did we really need a three-story topless woman in addition to the brutal killing of a naked replicant?) Though no less visually stunning or shorter (I’m pretty sure that scene showing Las Vegas…
Not saying it when you are clearly discussing age speaks volumes. That you “just happened” not to say it this time made your point clear even if you are unwilling to admit it.
Affleck has been trying to quit Batman for years.
Not so long as I have comments like yours to keep the fires burning!
Theaters are in death throes. It will become increasingly harder to get people into seats. More and more it will take a real event.
Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning has been kneecapped in part by the fact that it blatantly calls itself half a movie, and literally concludes with a title card saying “END PART ONE” before rolling to credits.