Angrier Geek

Yeah, this is what rap is. I remember Jay-Z saying how other rappers 9/11-ed themselves then inhale the toxic fumes. And he’s the top of the food chain. Why would anyone think the lower rankings would be better?


You are just the best. Ever.

My heart goes out to you having to deal with that bullshit. Truly.

“Highly anticipated” by whom exactly?

As strange as it seems I believe we are in fact less racist than the U.K. so I don’t see that happening to us. I believe Chris Rock said it best years ago in one of his stand-up specials in that these horrible people are like a child that’s being put to bed. They’re going to kick and scream but the end result is

No, white hatred and fear over a black president built the alt-right.

And Kirsten Dunst’s friend in Crazy/Beautiful!

Seriously. When your real name is “Daystar” why the fuck do you need to change it!?!

Given Keanu’s girlfriend is almost a decade his junior I wonder how we’re defining “age appropriate” here.

Tiny Tom not only dates women much younger but actually arraigned “auditions” for them. He either met with or tried to meet Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson before Katie Holmes signed the contract, er, I mean started dating him.

Nicole Richie is actually a Latina. She was adopted by Lionel Richie (which should have made it a problem regardless), but she’s born Sheila E’s niece and Santana drummer Pete Escovedo’s granddaugther.

I’m a geek so I must reference geek things to communicate how I feel:

I’m not the biggest Madonna fan, but without her there is no Dua Lipa, period. One of the producers on this worked on her Confessions on the Dance Floor album.

It’s so over the top it’s almost a parody!

Well, this was back in the day when it all it really had were videos. It would be a few hours of videos then a few hours of Sparks.

Given how it ran nonstop on BET for years, I’m actually appreciating the break from it.

Sadly, “piece of shit” and “artiste” intersect more than we’d like to admit.

Musically speaking, maybe his absolute best album (Sign of the Times would have been a career-defining single album, but he made it a double and well...).

I was fine until the 15-year-old told me not to give up hope that things can change, then I was a blubbering mess.