Angrier Geek

Last year’s show was actually good (with the exception of the middle-aged comic host no one under 40 knew) and all the top stars were either presenting or performing or at the very least in attendance.

First Impressions: So, I’m not a part of the Chosen People that God selected to score tickets to the popular Broadway musical. But, I’ve definitely heard the just-as-popular soundtrack! Hamilton has always piqued my interest given the buzz about it, so the fact that it’s coming to screen will be my chance to see

Why are you “putting it on” with it airs nonstop on cable? Hell, Underworld: Blood Wars was on last night!

But his fight for R&B kudos wasn’t without its casualties—namely, Janet Jackson’s career.

So, am I the only person who thought that was Nicki on the original version all along?

Body Odor.

There is a generational divide on the Mr. Allen hate. Young people seem to buy the story hook, line and sinker.

My god, that almost non-existent whisper of a voice...

He gave that name to himself. No one called him that. Ever.

Geralt takes it upon himself to protect the wizard and murder Renfri and her fellow brigands.

The look almost exactly like the Real Audio buds so much I wonder if they’re made by the same overseas manufacturer. They were only $50 and for that the sound is great. I got the for the similar reasons. I’m not grabbing my ankles for Apple.  For $250 I’d better fucking hear Prince playing guitar from heaven on every

This was perfect because the other day the Seahawks were doing N’SYNC and I was wondering why some bruthas chose that over New Edition. Clearly others questioned them on this and they decided to make it right.

“I won’t do an all-black show, for instance, because it would be hypocritical given what I’ve stood for, for so long,” she says, clarifying that what she stands for is “balanced inclusion.” Bottom line: Campbell isn’t interested in taking part in any gimmicks.

The irony being it never would have gotten made. Kind of like The Joker. No one was going to give him money for a Martin Scorsese fan film, but slap a Batman skin on it and here’s $50M.

You’ve nailed it. It was always really for men and the previous movies reflected that.

at one point even considering launching a television series.

One is an artistic expression no matter how misguided and provides a window into society which validates its examination while the other is a bunch of dickheads glorifying their war to keep other human beings as slaves, most of which were erected in the 50's to fight integration.

Not quite. Sex & The City was very successful, spawned at least one successful theatrical release, one less successful film, one prequel TV series, continues to be popular and its final episode was 10.6M to GoT’s 11.9.

It shouldn’t. He did it for the right reasons and they lived happily ever after because both parties were willing to go outside their comfort zone to please the other.

It we’re talking popularity and cultural relevance there’s one they clearly left out that had a massive social footprint and continues to be popular despite parts of it aging horribly....