Angrier Geek

Little surprised when I read through this and didn’t see Roxane Gay’s comments anywhere.

And did she do an entire semester of it the way he had to do an entire semester of Track? No. It was one day.

A letter has to be earned, which means off-screen throughout the movie, Danny has been running track for Sandy. He put in the work. She just put on some tight pants.

No, because he earned the sweater. He didn’t just buy it. All she did was change clothes.

...but that in no way negates the work it took to earn the letter. All she did was have a makeover.

Olivia Newton-John is selling off the outfit she wore in one of the final scenes of Grease, the one where she realized the only way to attract the future Scientologist of her dreams was to change her wardrobe/fundamental personality.

PREACH ON IT! Every time he cheated on her he not only betrayed her, but Harper as well who set him up with her. So they punished his ass by hooking up. Only once, but the way that bitch was still whining about it 20 years later you’d think it never stopped and he found out none of the kids was his!

I despise Chris Brown, but I understand once he was a victim himself. As no doubt the girl was to be going that.  You’re not 13 and having sex with an 8-year-old unless someone damaged you. It’s like a disease they’re passing along. Sad and horrible.

COBRA? You gon’ die.

Being in an orgy at 13 is pretty shocking.

According to my armchair degree it’s more like having had sex so young caused him to define himself that way making him in constantly in need of that type of validation and being a celebrity means there’s never any shortage of opportunity to do so. He’s fucking all the time but not for the reasons he thinks. If he was

It’s fueled by the fact I really wanted to like this. I did.

See, if it had been a straight-up kid’s show I wouldn’t be nearly so hard on the bad writing and non-existent direction (which in turn made everyone seem like a bad actor), but when you’ve got the sistas hanging out and talking about how she needs to get some that’s clearly not the case. Not to mention no kid on earth

It wasn’t him. It was the writing and the directing because there actors on that show I’ve seen be good elsewhere. I mean, how do you fuck up John Ritter’s son!?!

Yeah, see we shouldn’t have to wait for that. The writing and acting on this show was embarrassing it got so bad. It took me a minute to realize I didn’t dislike Dion; I hated how this poor child had for force those lines with apparently no competent director within a hundred miles.

It was so awful and riddled with holes and contradictions on nearly every page. Elongated Man is on a nighttime stakeout...with a flaming woman who can be seen from miles away.

Google “Lindsay Lohan” and tell me again how bad a this is. She has stability and a routine and an entire family outside of her father to speak up for her if they felt there was a problem.

But #FreeBritney is longer relegated to the podcast conspiracy theory community

Funny you should say that because now that I’ve seen this storyline through I’m thinking I’m done. Those “complete-ist” days for me are long gone.

The irony being the very fact I didn’t know about it is proof of its lack of sustainability. As is the fact I won’t be buying this new version either.