God bless you. And God bless America!
Oh, I'm only talking about the real Star Trek. Nothing that requires a colon.
I compare it to Star Wars because that's what the new Star Trek is: Star Trek for Star Wars fans like Abrams who were bored with all that talking.
Wasn't the first one about Kirk growing up while facing off with a villain looking for revenge? Trek Wars continues...
After the utter failure of Total Recall, who the hell is still giving Len Wiseman work?
No problem with it, but a slapstick dinner scene is not it. You learn who they are by their actions during the quest, not throwing plates around.
The new Se7en ending makes about as much sense as the original.
3 hour movies are not a gift when that investment of your time is wasted watching dwarves throw plates and eat. That's not character development, that's not story development, that's indulgence of a director too big and too successful to be told "N0" and studio executives delighted to see that he found a way to…
Congrats. That's you. Some of us tired quickly of Frodo walking, falling down, walking, falling down, walking, falling down, walking, falling down....
Yes, it's utterly irrational to think that if you didn't enjoy the first 3 hours of something, you should put yourself through another six.
Yes, I'm going to go with the untried theory that if the you don't like the first three hours, you probably won't care for the remaining six.
A single film...which is designed to be part of three. Yes, by all means if that first bite was bad, keep eating anyway. Surely the rest of the sandwich has to be good.
I've no problem with a long film or one that uses its time to explore the characters, but this was half an hour of slapstick dwarf dinner comedy. Not exactly exploring much there.
I've seen one of them and it damn sure was overlong, so yeah, I'm gonna make a guess based on my actual experience that they will be as well meaning three films were unnecessary.
Woman stunt workers often face more danger than their male counterparts due to their tight or skimpy costumes. There is just nowhere to hide padding and protective gear. Trinity's skintight costume didn't really allow for safety gear, other than some thin shin guards and hip plates from motocross pants. They wanted…
Are we talking about Fellowship? No. Did I compare it to Fellowship? No. And an overlong slapstick dinner scene is hardly "introduction of the main characters given only one of the 13 dwarves constitutes that. And we met him already, not to mention he gets an entire flashback scene.
I'm not comparing it to Star Wars. You're talking to the wrong person.
The Hobbit has officially joined the ranks of franchises like Star Wars that are so eagerly anticipated that they suffocate under the weight of audience expectations.
....which reminds me how the hell was that alley so empty Diggle could come in unnoticed and take him out? It would take literally seconds to pull that hood back. The fight should have be staged differently so that Oliver didn't have the opportunity to look. This way it just looks dumb.