You left out how Oliver, after getting his ass kicked and managing to knock Merlyn out with one punch doesn't bother looking under his hood. You'd think the show would end right here if he did. Oh, wait....
You left out how Oliver, after getting his ass kicked and managing to knock Merlyn out with one punch doesn't bother looking under his hood. You'd think the show would end right here if he did. Oh, wait....
Do NOT Try to Make Them the Avengers
You're right. And I will fully admit to enjoying the first Transformers movie. But rest isn't just bad; it's awful. Sound and Fury signifying nothing. Del Toro just needs to let someone else write.
Not really, because unlike Bay, Del Toro actually has good movies on his resume so there's a 50/50 chance this might actually be a good film. With Bay there's 100% it won't.
I ironically remain surprised every time someone else is surprised that geeks have the same crummy attitudes toward women that their fratboy counterparts have.
I think we both know Synder is utterly incapable of that kind of filmmaking and the colors and palette were chosen because he thought it "looked cool."
John Carter had one of the worst marketing campaigns in recent movie history. That's not anti-hype. That's a fact. Then it took too long to get started and told a story that wasn't so much concerned as making sense as it was with setting up sequels.
I could get that if Johnny Depp weren't doing a Jay Silverheels impression as Tonto. You're either moving forward or you're not.
Sigh. Still no William Tell Overture...
Pretty sure how you appear to someone is a valid reason for optimism or lack thereof. Dark, foreboding, colors, rarely say "I'm here to help."
I understand what you're saying about some trailers, but announcing that Jor-El and Zod are in a Superman movie is not a spoiler on any level so you need to understand how you look insisting that it is. Also, it is possible to skip things. I read the morning spoiler section every day, but every day I also skip things…
Clearly you've never heard of characters called Tarzan or Sherlock Holmes to think this is new or unusual.
Says who? I'm pretty sure if a flying super strong man appeared a pair of red briefs and the color shading would be the last thing anyone thought of, so this attempt to apply real world reaction is a poor argument. Not to mention last I saw Iron Man was pretty brightly colored. A B-lister like Iron Man gets to…
The shield was me being facetious; the subdued color palette, not so much.
You know what you didn't see? Colors. Bright, optimistic colors.
Seriously. It's one of the worst parts of Frank Miller's legacy that Superman & Batman always have to fight and that somehow Batman can think his way out of a guy who should just freeze/burn/crush him in seconds.
Still hate that damn costume (no shield on the cape? blasphemy!) and the whole washed out palette in general. Seriously, do they not know this is Superman? Optimism? Hello?
I'm sorry, but I'm so down for that Wonder Woman it's not even funny.
And it's been that way for 70 years so I don't know why anyone is surprised, much less from a "reboot" which by definition is something that's been done before.